dringk unjury

i have benn drinking the unjury protein and i feel sometimes as if i have put on tons of weight does it make you gain a few pounds i haven't weighed myself but afarid to please help!!!    — shorty04 (posted on December 22, 2007)

December 22, 2007
Weigh yourself. Avoiding the scale isn't going to make your anxiety go away. It's hard as anything to face your fear, but it's not going to go away on it's own. Even if you have gained a few pounds, you can take it right off again, because you have a tool you didn't have before. Good Luck! ~Shirley
   — Shirley D.

December 23, 2007
It is not the Unjury shakes that will keep the weight from coming off. They will help to insure you do not loose muscles, but burn fat instead. Weight does not come off every day because some days you will hold more fluids then others. Don't be afraid to weigh yourself and do get upset over the results. Be sure to do some walking and the more exercise that you can do each day will help that weight come off faster. Go window shopping and see how many story you can walk the isle of.
   — William (Bill) wmil

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