The day after surgery I was walking up and down the halls

of the hospital several times a day, when I was off work I walked 2 miles a day. 1st week back at work have not walked in 3 days. Does everyone walk 5 times a week, and how do you get motivated    — jlh1129 (posted on January 4, 2008)

January 4, 2008
Does your job involve any type of walking or is it a sit at your desk type of job like mine? I was getting really sore" from sitting all day, before surgery, it didn't bother me so much. But I did go to my PCP and explained my situation to him and now I am allowed to walk around for 5 minutes every 2 hours as per doctors orders. That will help at work a little, but after work, you are on your's the part I have trouble with as well!) Good Luck!!!
   — Toni Todd

January 4, 2008
I do not walk at all but I do go to the pool and work out 3 times a week.
   — Alvernlaw

January 4, 2008
I had my surgery 2 1/2 years ago and I was walking 3-4 miles a day 6-7 days a week. What motivated me was having the surgery and knowing that if I worked hard and did what I was supposed to do the weight would come off and it did! Everyday stepping on the scale and the weight was coming off is what motivated me. The feeling I got from walking and the fact that I could and how good it felt is what motivated me. Goodluck, Jeannie
   — jjeanniespets1

January 4, 2008
Hello Janet, Unfortunately my job is sedantary and I had to walk after work. I know that by it being winter that it's hard to get in. If you have a fitness center available to you use of the treadmill will do the same job or an eliptical system will work just as well.
   — the7thdean

January 4, 2008
Not everyone walks 5 times a day, I take care of my grandson and he keep's me on my feet.
   — 2409w.poplar_rodriguez

January 4, 2008
I do something that's not really recommended. I weigh myself every day. I don't get upset if the scale goes up a pound or a half a pound or even a pound and a half. I can deal with that. But when it goes DOWN, that's so much powerful motivation for me. I want to see it happen again, knowing I made it happen. Mind game? Sure! But, for me, it works. You can't do this though, if you're going to get discouraged when the scale goes UP, because it will. We all have natural fluctuations in our weight. Good Luck!
   — Shirley D.

January 5, 2008
What is Nike's tag line? "Just do it"....easier said than done, I understand. I had the same issue. I have to either get up extra early in the AM or push myself to do it after work. More often than not, it's the early AM and then I start my day. The apt complex where we live has a mini gym - I walk on the treadmill when it's raining - and around this huge block (3miles) if it's nice. Cold weather, raining or what have you - gym. If it's nice - the block. I just do it! I have to. Make time for it - for yourself. Good luck.
   — jammerz

January 5, 2008
Janet, faithfulness is it's own reward. You have to find that out for yourself. I walked 2.5 miles in the morning and 2.5 miles in the evening. In one year with my rny I lost all my weight, and am almost 4 years out now, and have kept it off with no weight problems. I have not exercised in over a year due to health stuff, but I am still the same weight. My metabolism, I believe, changed when I stuck to my diet and exercise for that year. Move forward and fight for what you want. Your faithfulness will be your best reward. Patricia P.
   — Patricia P

January 6, 2008
Congratulations on your surgery! I found this wonderful book on Amazon that is easy to read and written specifically for WLS patients; as a matter of fact I've given several for gifts and my copy is currently circulating amoung my WLS support group members. It's called "The Emotional First Aid Kit: A Practical Guide to Life After Bariatric Surgery," and is written by Cynthia Alexander. One thing I've gotten from her: we know we have to to some form of exercise, and she recommends getting up and moving (even if it's just around the house or at work) for at least 5 minutes a day. She believes most of us will do more than 5 minutes once we're going, and I have to admit it's been true in my case. Good luck!
   — obeseforever

January 7, 2008
I walk with a co worker on my break. We walk 1 mi in 20 min. It is not alot but it is better than sitting on my butt all day.
   — Carlyn M.

January 9, 2008
If you have the energry, then walk all you can. I walk every day, but not as much as I would like because my back get's sore. I can't wait until I get enought weight off that I can run or jog.
   — William (Bill) wmil

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