I want to have my Lap Band removed.

I am 14 mths post-op and at my clinical weight goal. I can maintain my weight on my own. I want to have my Lap Band removed. Have any of you had yours removed? Any thoughts......    — Miss_K_07 (posted on March 25, 2008)

March 25, 2008
Are you having problems? They say that we can lose the weight, the problem is keeping it off. I don't have a band, but I would never want to give up what made me lose weight. I might be able to maintain the weight loss for a while, I know eventually it would come back. How do you know you can maintain it on your own? Can you just get it unfilled, that way you wont have to go through another surgery, and it's there if you need it. Good luck!
   — Teresa V.

March 25, 2008
I need to have my port replaced because it has moved up uder my rib and my port has turned down. I was thinking that instead of having it replaced, I'd have it removed. So, you are saying if my band is completely open, it would be like not having one?
   — Miss_K_07

March 25, 2008
maintaining your goal weight without the assistance of your WLS can be a problem. I'd recommend waiting a few more months to have "more practice" at your newly designed eating habits. It would be a real shame to have the band removed, gain the weight, and then have your insurance company refuse to do the operation again.
   — Dave Chambers

March 25, 2008
I happened to be going to see my doctor today,and I asked him about you question. He said that if you remove the band, you would most likely gain at some of the weight back. The difference between RNY and lap band is that with the band you are not removing the stomach, only making a small upper pouch. Once you remove the band, you are back to basically the size of stomach you started out with, maybe just a little smaller. Have you talked YOUR surgeon about this? Good luck
   — Jeanne Aldrich

March 25, 2008
I just found out that I am scheduled for my wls on 4/29/08. I have been struggling with my weight for over 10 years. I would not advise you to remove the band, if you are not having any problems with it inside your body. I agree with the person who said to have the saline removed. I know you feel confident about your success in losing weight as you should be. But do not make a decision you will regret. I think the only reason you are contemplating removing the band is for the simple fact you have lost the weight. Remember, the only reason you were able to lose the weight was due to the band. So why would you want to remove the device that helped you lose weight? Think about it long and hard before you make a decision you cannot take back. Good luck!!
   — savoy7658

March 25, 2008
I had lapband almost 3 years ago, i lost 70-80 lbs. Well in August of 07 i was not loosing, i was gainign a few lbs a month(over the last few months). SO i went to my doctor to get another fill. .5 cc had my choking on my spit, .3 removed, still choking, everything removed i was ok but gagging on many foods. So since AUgust, i have no fill, continue to gain weight and puke with many things i normally can eat. My band has slipped. The moral of my story is i fought to not gain weight, it happened. I fought to loose weight before surgery, but i didn't. This is why i was fat and had surgery in the first place. To me if you needed the tool in the beginning, why remove it now? What if you fall into old habits? By keeping it you can have a small fill and get back on track. A fill in the band will put your head back into the right direction. Noone likes for food to get stuck and heave for hours!!! This is just my opinion, but to me you got this tool for a reason, just unfill and keep this valuable tool that put you in the pants you are in!!! Good luck in whatever you decided to do:)
   — Terri C.

March 26, 2008
Knowing how many Bandsters find it difficult to find that "sweet spot" fill, I would advise against even having it unfilled, let alone removed. If you are at a good maintenance-level fill, it ain't broke, so why fix it? Congrats on your wonderful success. WRT your original request for thoughts, though .. it's your body and your Band, but I advise against this as strongly as I know how.
   — Jeanie

March 26, 2008
Karla - Looks like most posted before seeing that you ARE having an issue with your band. Admittedly, I do not know ANYTHING about how the band and ports work -- I did RNY. I don't know what would be involved with taking care of your issue, but if it is like having surgery again, you may want to remove the band -- because now you know that this could happen again in the future! But that is my own thought. I wouldn't want to find myself having surgery every couple of years because of moving ports or slippage or whatever else that peice of plastic might do over time in my body. But that's just me. Good luck. Dani
   — zandeldm

March 26, 2008
   — otella6066

March 26, 2008
Hi Carla, I would certainly be hesitant to remove the band. One of my docs patients insisted on having the band removed feeling, as you do, that she could maintain the weight loss on her own. It didn't happen! She was gaining within a few weeks of the band being removed. You have been so successful in getting your weight off. Don't sabotage yourself now! Enjoy your new life and forget about the band would be my advice!
   — funnyandsweet

March 26, 2008
Well hon it looks like you've certainly got alot of opinions on this. I hope you feel supported ;o) I've got just one more hat to throw in the ring. Since you are having problems with the band. Would your insurance cover a revision to the RNY since you've had band problems? Just an idea. Good luck to you, I wish you continued health and peace with your decision. Take care ;o)
   — Tomi D.

March 27, 2008
What a horrible idea. Why did you get it in the first place if you can maintain your weight. I would suggest first that you have them deflate it and see how fast you start gaining. If you have it removed then gain weight you will never get another insurance company to pay for it again. I have a friend and she did well had it removed due to problems and over 8 years the weight slipped back on and she can't get the insurance to cover any kind of revision. So think twice or have it deflated then see.
   — Nurse343

March 30, 2008
I would check out the DS forum. Many people on that site have had the band only to get revised to a duodenal switch. There is no foreign body in your system to cause problems. That is one of the pitfalls of the band, so everyone beware, there is chance of band slippage.
   — KRWaters

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