
   — kim C. (posted on May 27, 2008)

May 27, 2008
I had gastric bypass RNY done on Jan 27, 2002 with a starting weight of 435lbs. On Feb 11 2008 I had lapband done and have since lost about 30 lbs. So yes you can have it revised to a lapband
   — tylerswife

May 27, 2008
You could have a lap band added to your bypass and have what is called the Lap-RNY or you could get a NEW procedure done that requires NO cutting. There is a new procedure out there that seems designed just for you. It is called stomaphyX. You can get the basic idea of the procedure from here: . Do some research on your own and see if you can find a surgeon in your area that can do the procedure. Basically the short version is that they place a device down your esophagus and use some posts to draw the sides of the pouch up and make the available volume of the pouch smaller. There is no cutting involved. The entire operation is done through the esophagus and inside the pouch. I hope this helps, Hugh
   — hubarlow

May 27, 2008
First of all, the Lap RNY is not as Hugh stated... It's the Roux-en-Y gastric bypass performed laparoscopically, just as the LAP Band would be. The Lap Band is called that if it's done Laparoscopically. The band is done to make the pouch smaller, and can be adjusted by fills of saline solution through a port that is placed under your skin in your lower abdomen. The band may aide in making your stretched pouch smaller, but I'd first go in and determine if your pouch has stretched. It may just be that you're grazing too much and not following your pouch rules. Get yourself back on track by doing the 5 day pouch test perhaps, and then maybe you won't need another surgery. Watch your carbs and don't over stuff yourself and don't drink liquids with meals. Load up on protein and perhaps you can find your way back to losing again. Just my suggestion of things to try before heading back to the surgeon's office for another surgery. I'm 7 months out...and I can't even fathom going in for another surgery. Best of luck! Cheryl
   — Cheryl K.

May 27, 2008
Check out the DS forum. I am in a similar situation and if I have a revision; I will have DS. The members on that forum really know their stuff. Some can be overwhelming but they all mean well and give honest responses. A lot of RNY patients should have had DS instead of RNY (including myself) but what's done is done. I wish you God's speed. You will be in my prayers.
   — Ambitious

May 28, 2008
Before any more people give you bad advise, state if you had a RNY by-pass. If you did, there is sopmething wrong as these do not fail. Maybe it was done wrong. You can't Lap Band a pouch in a RNY, and you can not do a DS. Your stomach has already been removed. I suggest you restate what kind of surgery you had and when. Maybe you had stomach stapling in the 90's? I glad to help you on the issue of revisions, but state exactly what you had and when. Best of success to you.
   — William (Bill) wmil

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