Will drinking Unjury protein shakes before surgery help me lose weight?

I just had an appointment with my doctor last week and he said that I still need to lose 5-7 more pounds before he will refer me on for my psych evaluation. After the evaluation I will be sent to the surgeon for gastric bypass. I'm exercising, eating right, and have taken all the necessary classes. I really want to make things go as quickly as possible as I've been wanting this surgery for years. My question is...If I start now by drinking Unjury shakes as some meal replacements can I expect to take off some weight quickly? Looking for some help with this one.    — butterflygirl72 (posted on July 31, 2008)

July 31, 2008
There's no easy answer to your question about how to take weight off quickly. If we all had the answer we wouldn't have needed WLS. With that said, however, you need to start eatin less than 1,000 calories a day (mostly protein...just like you'll be doing after WLS). Also exercise as much as you can. That's about the best way I know of to lose weight...burn more calories than you eat. Chris
   — cjjordan

July 31, 2008
Unjury is a good way to reduce your calories by making it a meal or a meal with just some fruit and make it using skim milk.
   — William (Bill) wmil

July 31, 2008
I used UNJURY for six weeks breakfast and lunch, ate a regular supper. Lost 7 pounds in 6 weeks. Everyone is different though.
   — waterlover

July 31, 2008
alot of it has to do with how much you weigh, but the urgery. of you replace it for meals. will help with the pounds. I would also increase your activity if you could
   — jmas24

July 31, 2008
For the last two weeks (my surgery is Monday the 4th) my sugeon has had me drinking Carnation Sugar-free instant breakfast drinks made in 1 cup of skim milk with 2.5 tbsp dry milk powder for two meals. For the other meal I've had 3 oz protein, 2 veggies, 2 carbohydrates (low glycemic and whole grain) and 1 fat serving. I've lost 15 pounds since starting that. It may be cheaper than Unjury. I know that some think Carnation isn't the best, but the flavor is okay and short-term it's been fine for me.
   — norakeno

July 31, 2008
I am 3 yrs post op RNY. I lost almost 30 lbs+ before my surgery. I started practicing everything my Dr. told me to do with my new lifestyle. No soda, hi protein, fiber, veggies and fruits (after the protein went in) and exercise. I couldnt believe I lost so much. Do whatever it takes, stick to it and it will come with positive results.
   — C-There

August 1, 2008
I lost 18 pounds in 2 weeks on liver shrink diet and that included having an Unjury protein shake for breakfast every morning, a protein bar for lunch (under 200 calories, under 10 grams of fat) and 3 oz meat, unlimited green and yellow veggies & very very small ( no larger than lemon) potato for dinner, a small piece of fruit in between each meal, which is really a lot to eat and that was all before surgery.
   — SLittle1

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