Has anyone gained weight during plateau?

I had lost 65 pounds. I reached the big plateau and stayed there for the last two months. I have gained 10 pounds. How do I get back and does the your pouch stretch when you gain weight? I am now back in a support group which has not been helpful at this time. No one has experienced this yet.    — Arnice (posted on September 2, 2008)

September 2, 2008
I don't know all the details, but 10 lbs is more than just water weight...You are eating too many calories to have gained 10 lbs...Most likely you have not stretched your pouch, just your appetite. I suggest you talk to a nutritionist to pinpoint what the probelm is exactly. I have no idea how far out you are either or what surgery you had. I know this is quite common with lapband but RNYers have an esaier time controlling portions if they pay attention to their pouch and only eat til satisfied rather than fullness...If you are eating til you are FULL (Like prior to surgery) That could be your biggest problem and you will need to cut 500 calories a day from your diet and kick up the exercise in order to lose a pound a week again. Go lean, light and eat til satisfied rather than full...Try it for a week and see if you see a difference...But I think honestly, you might need a pro-nut to help you get back on track.
   — .Anita R.

September 2, 2008
Did you have lap band or gastric bypass? I have been at a plateau myself for a bit. Haven't gained any back though. I have lost just over 100 lbs and have about 35 lbs to go.. have been at this plateau for about a month or a bit longer. I am pretty sure i don't need my band adjusted yet, so I'm trying to look at what I'm doing differently. I know I'm not drinking as much water as I used to and I may not be getting enough calcium or protein.. right now I'm writing down everything i eat for the next week and am going to look at it after a week or so and see if maybe I can pinpoint what is different. In my case, I am not a big exerciser and I am thinking that maybe I need to start going to the gym 2 ro 3 times a week.. . The people that I know from my work that lost some weight then hit a plateau and started gaining back all had lap band and did not go in to get thier band adjusted. One guy from my work moved to another state after he got his lap band and has not been able to find a doctor under his insurance that will do the adjustments. Another guy from my church got his lap band and never got ANY adjustments to it.. but again.. if you had gastric bypass, that would be totally different that what I had so this may not be any help at all.. but figured I'd pass along what I know .. and I'm still working on figuring out why I've hit a plateau too so we are in a similar position. Maggie
   — Maggie E.

September 2, 2008
Watch your carbohydrate intake. Have more protein in your meals. Sip your water daily and make sure you take your vitamins. Your body is stubborn and need the nutrient you have taken away since you are not eating as you did before the surgery. Supplement the over eating with vitamins and weight loss will start again. Best of luck
   — Dani96

September 2, 2008
Hi I am at the same point as you. I am 4 months and have lost 54 lbs and have been at this point for a month now seems like, and I feel that I am gaining and not losing. I dont understand why this is happening but it is scary. I also taught that I have stretch my pouch and failed at my surgery. could this be what has happen. Jennie
   — zydeko47

September 3, 2008
I am 2 years post op and have also started to put weight back on. 10lbs. to be exact. I had gastric bypass its like out of control. I don't know what to do. I am not sure if pouch stretches but, I can eat more now than I could a year ago. I try to eat everything that is healthy for me but I catch myself eating more.
   — Debbie C

September 7, 2008
A few days ago, someone was asking about the 5 day pouch test and the response was to explain it and they also said it's a good way to get back on the program because you basicly go back on liquids and then just protein. It helps get any sugar out of your system and jump starts you back on a regular daily program. Good luck, Paula B.
   — paulajaneb

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