I feel stupid asking but just wondering.....

My surgery is just a couple days off when i'm due for my period.... is it dangerous to have surgery during this time of the month or it does'nt matter.... feel stupid in asking cause i have bad pains during my cycle.... can someone let me know so i can relax.. ... i guess ill be druged up and wont' feel a thing right ..... lol thanks to respond.......    — claire G. (posted on October 12, 2008)

October 12, 2008
Well, at least you know you won't have pain with this one! The pain meds they give you postop should cover that too. :o) Seriously, let them know the morning you show up for the surgery if you have your period and you'll be fine. Who knows, it may show up late this time and you might be already home when "Auntie Flo" shows up. Good Luck!
   — Shirley D.

October 12, 2008
Claire, Don't worry... most women will actually start their periods just before surgery or the day of due to the stress. I had mine on that morning.... its no big deal. Just let the nurse in the preop area know. You will just not be able to wear a tampon. Good luck with your surgery Caroline
   — carolinern

October 12, 2008
I had my surgery days ago and I started my period the second day in the hospital. Of course I was upset, but my nurse said they are trained to deal with that. She said even most woman when their period isn't even do, start. So, just grin and bear it. Just think, your pain meds should help out those cramps!!
   — NetteMet

October 12, 2008
Not a stupid question at all! I was taught that a question not asked is stupid! I had a great nutritionist who informed her class of EVERYTHING pre-op op and even surgery and hospital stay. Many women will start their cycle from the stress of surgery...I woke up in recovery with mine and was horrified despite knowing this could happen, but prepared too! Those hospital pads are dinosaurs! OMIGOSH they are huge! The nurse brought me some and I almost fainted from pain when I choked down a laugh! I was soooo happy to have my compact maxis...(can't use tampons after surgery) No pain from cramps...But the surgery pain might be a little much...They have good drugs in hospitals no worries! LOL...Just trust me and bring your own maxis or you you have to imagine wearing a paperback novel in your panties to get an idea how big those things are! Okay!? LOL can now...Relax!
   — .Anita R.

October 12, 2008
I know how you feel! I am in menopause and hadn't had a period in nearly a year. I actually had a dream that my period started the day before surgery. Well, guess what - it started 4 days before surgery and lasted until 2 days after! I was mortified! But found out through this board that this is pretty common. I guess the stress of the upcoming surgery causes many women to start just before, during or just after the surgery. Don't worry about it. They deal with it all the time. Just take your own pads (no tampons) as someone else recommended, and let the nurse know. You'll do fine! Wendy
   — Wendy M.

October 13, 2008
mine started day after surgery in the hospital and i had problems w/ the blood thinner, suffice it to say my extended stay (5 days) was not a pretty one. you will be fine-i always remind myself-medical professionals have dealt w/ worse.
   — Godsvirtuoswoman

October 14, 2008
I started mine the night before my surgery. I was so distought over it more so than the upcoming bypass surgery. I told the nurse, and let me put your mine to ease, they dont care! It is not a big deal to them at all. Don't even put another moments thought into it. I feel silly now that I worried (after all your just another face in the crowd)
   — jms68

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