Does anyone have issues with excessive bruising once you have lost your weight?

I am one year post op open rny, down about 95 pounds. A friend recently gave me a gift of a manicure and pedicure. While having these done I noticed bruising all up and down my arms and legs. It looked like I had been in a fight. I have noticed that I bruise easy but I didn't realize how much I was bruising until now. Anyone else have this issue? And how do you deal with it? It seems even the smalles bump into something creates a bruise.    — Dawn S. (posted on December 31, 2008)

December 31, 2008
I would suggest seeing your MD for some labs asap. Your may have issue with platlets. This can be life threatening. A simple blood test can tell you
   — urbrat2

December 31, 2008
bruising is common with the amount of protein we are taking in- not everyone has the bruising. get your wls surgeons opinion though. happy new year cindi MD -3.24.04 -230#
   — DollyDoodles

December 31, 2008
You need to go to you doctor and have your labs done. It could be nothing, but it could be serious.
   — kathcar

December 31, 2008
I also bruise very easily. I have found that if I take more iron I don't bruise as easily. Do talk to your doctor about having an iron test done to find out if you are getting enough before you increase your iron on your own.
   — [Deactivated Member]

January 1, 2009
I agree, get to your doc ASAP. Get some labs done and find out what is going on. Platlet issue or some underlying comorbidity could be the cause. Definitely do something as soon as possible. Good Luck and God Bless, Happy New Year, vinnigirl, retired RN
   — vinnigirl

January 1, 2009
Definitely go and have some labs drawn. Get them to check your Vit. K levels... Vit K helps your blood to clot. If your blood is thin, you will bruise more easily.
   — Clumsybarbie

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