My breath is making me ill!!!!!!

I am 5 days out of surgery and my breath is actually nauseating me, never had this problem before, any help?? And what causes such a thing? Also, I am going by a sample plan daily for my protein and water intake until I see my nutritionist in 2 weeks and it has me drinking 4 oz. of something every hour to hour and a half and I cant possibly do it!!! Could this be wrong? I can do about half of that.Thanks to you all, I LOVE this website, Mary B.    — mary beauregard (posted on January 17, 2009)

January 17, 2009
I believe what you're experiencing is ketosis. It's normal when the weight's coming off so quickly. Sometimes bad breath can be a sign of fatty liver, but as I understand it almsot all of us at 100# or more over weight have some fatty liver issues. That's why it's so important to lay off the booze for the first six months, at least. Check out "ketosis" on some research sites. Brush your teeth more often. Drink what you can. Use mouthwash. Chew sugarless gum, if your surgeon says it's okay. Call your surgeon if you're too anxious or worried. Good luck!!
   — jjames-thomas

January 17, 2009
Yep....Keto-breath (Ketosis) That's a sure sign you are losing! Drink water frequently...That's about all you can do! It'll eventually go away...We all get it! Some worse than others! Pee eww! LOL You're going to experience all kinds of new gross smells! LOL
   — .Anita R.

January 17, 2009
I am 2 wks and 6 days out. My doctor has me doing the same thing (4 oz of fluid every hour). It was very hard at first. Just keep trying to get the liquids down. My doctor told me I could have sugarfree popsicles and sugarfree jello to help get it in. They count toward your liquid intake. It will get easier. Just keep sipping. Good luck! Tecia
   — Tecia

January 18, 2009
I too had terrible breath after surgery, my nut suggested I go to for help with this. Not sure what it's all about. I didn't look into it but breath issue went away after a couple of weeks. Not promoting any product just FYI.
   — Laurie H.

January 19, 2009
Try sugarfree popsicles if your doc says its ok. That will get your water in. Also the protein waters on the market now help. The bad breath issue will pass; as everyone else told you; most likely caused by the rapid weight loss. The body is detoxing. Brush your teeth with a baking soda toothpaste. That sometimes helps. Any anxiety; check with doc. Good Luck and God Bless, vinnigirl, retired RN
   — vinnigirl

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