waiting for surgery

Has anyone been booked for 2010 yet. I got my booking today for Jan.12 2010. It seems so far away. I could of had Nov.10 but because I have a stent and have to go off of plavix for a week the doctor wants to make sure I would of been on plavix for a year. Of course doctors don't operate during christmas so I have to wait till Jan. It will be a total of one year waiting to get this surgery done. Anyone else have to wait till the New Year?    — cuppaloopy (posted on September 11, 2009)

September 11, 2009
It seems really far away but it really isn't. Besides, you're going to be so busy between Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas/chanakuh that time is going to fly for you.
   — Kathleen W.

September 11, 2009
Thanks. I really hope so.
   — cuppaloopy

September 12, 2009
Barbara, I don't know if I answered you in another post or not but I will probably be having my surgery around the 11th. I asked for the first and they said the docs like to take off during that time :(
   — kmom1420

September 12, 2009
I too am in 2010, but since I get the pleasure of paying for it myself, the next 3 months are a blessing to save up a little more money! However, no matter how you look at it, 3 months will fly by and we have the rest of our lives to get started and be on our new journey. I can't wait.
   — spankymonkey1973

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