Does anyone know the reason why some people dump and others do not?

I've heard that distal RNY's don't dump. Does anyone else have any theories?    — Alicia H. (posted on September 19, 2009)

September 19, 2009
My understanding is that no one knows for sure. I'm not sure if I'm distal or proximal (I guess I should find out), but I can dump on one thing like ice cream, but don't dump on something with more sugar than that. Go figure! I'm anxious to read other responses. rt
   — Rebecca T.

September 19, 2009
According to this website 60% of bypass patients develop dumping syndrome and there is no way to predict who will or won't.
   — Gail T.

September 20, 2009
I should know but what is distal or proximal?
   — Teresa B.

September 20, 2009
I don't know if I'm a lucky one or not but I had my surgery in March of this year, a RNY and I have NEVER had any episodes of dumping. I can eat ANYTHING regardless of how much sugar it contains and it has no effect as far as dumping. That includes things like a DQ sundae, fruit juices, or anything else that I was told would cause dumping. I guess I would say I'm glad I don't dump, but it does mean that I have to watch what I eat more closely as it would be easy to take in way more calories than I should have by eating sweets. I would like to hear if there are others out there like I am -- non dumpers. Bob
   — rkurquhart

September 20, 2009
I had RNY January 8, 2009. I have only dumped once to my knowledge from eating creamy peanut butter when I was on my pureed died a couple weeks after my surgery I think it was. Other things with a lot of sugar make me feel really ill, but don't have the same effect as what happened with the peanut butter that one time. I can eat peanut butter now with no problem. I cannot eat most icecreams, but found that Breyer's natural vanilla/strawberry or chocolate I am ok with. I can eat chocolate bars and chocolate chips, but don't really crave sweets the way I used to. I am ok with pie and cake, but only eat a couple bites and get full. Not sure if this helped with your question.
   — Lyndsay30

September 20, 2009
To help define distal and proximal. The word distal means "away", proximal means near. An example, the distal end of your thigh bone is near the knee, the proximal end is near your pelvis. Hope this helps. Bob
   — rkurquhart

September 21, 2009
Some of our body can't handle sugar like other, you just have to mark down the things that make you dump. Like I tried eating the sugarfree candy just had one and let me tell you I will never eat that again. Hope I help alittle
   — kaybusk

September 29, 2009
This may sound weird but if I drink coffee I donot have a problems with sugar, which is bad, but that's what happens with me
   — Heidi S.

October 7, 2009
I don't really know the answer but I thought I'd share that I had dumping when I ate a hamburger patty.. only one or two bites and I will never try that again. But then I am able to eat things like sugar free candy and maybe a bite of cake or apple juice with no problem.. odd.
   — Crissy G.

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