Need water info

I hope I don't sound whiny, but I can't get all my water in. I try every day, but end up with my stomach feeling like it will blow up! However, the other day, I know I didn't drink enough because I went to bed with a huge headache that didn't go away until the next day. I am 3 weeks post op. Can I get by with less than 60 oz. a day?    — Maggie P. (posted on June 12, 2010)

June 12, 2010
Try your best each day, but don't expect to be perfect. You answered your own question with the headache -- most likely you were a little behind. Then again a headache could have many causes. I didn't get to 60 oz a day till I was a month out, I had some swelling in my outlet from my pouch (rny) and just couldn't get there befor that. The heat is also building on the east coast, not sure where you are. It's possible that dehydration will get worse because of that if you fall behind. So what do you do? Keep sipping as you can and work to maintain a non-sweaty temperature. If it gets bad go to an urgent care to get buffed up so you can keep going. You may notice that as you get dehydrated you get nausous which makes it harder to drink- so go get fluids if it gets bad.
   — scootermedic

June 12, 2010
I fill three G2 bottles of water a day and I drink them up. It is so important for you to drink, sip sip sip! Try your hardest to drink it, that will help with you going to the bathroom and weightloss. The water will come but just try, I know how hard it is. Hang in there!!!
   — FSUMom

June 12, 2010
Hi, Do you best I am also 3 weeks out and I learned the hard way of not getting in all my water. I got constipated and last night was not fun. You don't want to go threw what I went threw. Sip all day do your best and if you live in the east stay as cool as possible. GOOD LUCK
   — slvbullet

June 13, 2010
I find drinking decaffeinated iced tea sweetened slightly with stevia is easier for me to drink than straight water and it hydrates well and has antioxidants. My doctors said it was fine. I find it is not as hard on my stomach and goes down easier and doesn't leave me feeling as bloated. I hope you find what works for you.
   — Lisa von Wallmenich

June 13, 2010
Hi like many other patients I too had the same problem as you. I mentioned this to my doctor and he said to simply just add a few drops of lemon juice from a fresh lemon to the 8 oz glass of water. I had said that I got to full fast even on sipping water straight. He then explained that wate is dence as the water molecules are close together so by adding the lemon it breaks the m up a bit and makes the water easier to get down. I don't like the after taste of the artificial powders so I now just take my favorite real juice and put a drop of it in with the water and that works for me. I was operated in Feb of this year and had many complications and was not able to eat or drink. I had a second surgery to fix the complications on April 20th and one week later I was able to start again as if this was the RNY surgery that I had in Feb. I can now eat everything and drink everything so don't worry so much. I get down only about 48 oz a day and the doctor said that was fine as we get the rest from fruits and veg and soups.
   — OntarioSilk

June 18, 2010
Don't force the water in right now. Just sip, sip, sip every five minutes and don't gulp. If you need to warm the water a little some can't take the cold water, but the pouch feels better with warm water. Get in as much as you can, but any liquid will do. Popsicle, tea, Chrystal light,protein drinks, broth, jello (all sugar free items of course) will count as liquids. Just try to get something in otherwise you will be dehydrated. Over time you will be able to consume more liquids but your pouch is very small and still healing, it is swollen and tender. take care
   — Kristy

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