Please direct me to a sight where I can get information on people who have died after

I had the surgery done with great succcess but my 13 year old is now considering it and I need to be comfortable with the final decision I have to make.    — MARY R. (posted on September 26, 2000)

September 27, 2000
Mary, To my knowledge your daughter may not fit into two of the criterias 1) Needs to be between the ages og 18-60 2) Has have tried other diet programs while under the care and supervision of a medical doctor (MD/DO) who has annotated or documented her failure to lose weight. Even though I know the trials and tribultions along with all the pain of being morbidly obese... I personaly dont think a 13 year old should have the procedure. The medical reasons as well as well as the psychological out weigh the positive benefits. Thats why the min. age is set at 18 years old. trying to keep an open mind in Michigan, Rick Sherman
   — Rick S.

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