Does BCBS Options cover plastic surgery for 100 lbs. of weight loss?

I've lost & gained so much weight already, I need plastic surgery & I'm scheduled for LAP RNY Sept. 25th. I'll REALLY need surgery then, but I'm a poor working gal with a husband who is deeply in debt and out of work. I NEED insurance coverage. Has anyone had experience with BCBS Options covering the plastic surgery? HELP!    — Ann M. (posted on August 30, 2002)

August 30, 2002
Man I don't want to come across harsh but first things first, maybe you should just focus on the weight loss surgery for right now bieng that is a big goal to accomplish before seeking out the plastic surgery. Maybe if you work out and tone well you won't even need the plastic surgery. Good Luck
   — Rebecca B.

August 30, 2002
You will not find out now - wait. I think you are doing what I did before surgery--obsessing and worrying and thinking a lot. My Dr gave me prozac - I guess it helped. I am 8 months out from surgery and in about 4 months I will start the paper work (with my dr approval and support) and hope reconstuction will be approved. Hang in there. Char
   — charlene M.

September 1, 2002
Ok ,unlike the others I understand your worry. I want all my bases covered before surgery. I wanted to know before I'm even approved for surgery if my insurance would pay for reconstructive surgery. I don't want to drop 100 plus pounds and end up with all this extra skin and have no way to get rid of it. I have BCBS of GA PPO, and I requested a copy of my policy. Read it from cover to cover, my policy will cover reconstructive/plastic surgery if the original surgery causes me to need reconstructive surgery. If I can get the bypass approved then they will pay for the reconstructive. But if I have to pay for the bypass they won't cover the reconstruct. Read your policy and good luck:)!
   — Kimmie C.

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