I would like to hear from post-ops who were fairly active pre-op.

I have been a fairly active MO for most of my adult life. I usually have done some type of exercise - walking, aerobics, water aerobics, Curves for Women. Because of heel spurs and some weakness in my knees, I haven't been walking as much recently. We purchased a Bowflex last spring, and I have been working out 3-4 times a week with that. It is great for muscle tone, but I'm wondering if this type of routine will help with the sagging skin post-op. I guess I'd be considered a "lightweight" at 5'8" and 255 pounds. I carry my weight pretty evenly all over, with an "athletic" type build, but do have a larger stomach and butt proportionally. Thanks for any input. I love this site and enjoy reading all the posts. Everyone is great for sharing and being so honest. What a help it has been in my WLS research. Thanks.    — Carlita (posted on December 5, 2002)

December 5, 2002
Hi Carla, I have had the same question. I'm a lightweight and have been into weight training in the past and hope that it will do the trick for sagging skin. One of my questions to my surgeon will be if I can consume enough protein to support a fairly rigorous weight training regiment. I will let you know what he says! Susan
   — susanje

December 6, 2002
Carla, I didn't do the exercise like you do, but I have a home daycare and I am constantly moving, and doing things with the kids so I feel I do get some type of exercise in. I was a lightweight at 5'6 253 lbs and I have lost 135 lbs and weigh right at 118 now. My surgeon told me that I could exercise all day long and I would NEVER tighten up my loose skin, that I may build muscle under it and the muscle may fill it in some but you can not tighten skin. I hope this helps. Good Luck!
   — Lynda T.

December 6, 2002
I was also a lightweight and did muscle toning exercises before surgery and for the first 5 months postop. I don't know what would have happened if I hadn't exercised, but I don't NEED any reconstructive surgery. I wear sleeveless and shorts with pride, and can get away with a bikini as long as it covers up to my waist (stretch marks). I would LOVE to have a tummy tuck if somebody else would pay for it but I don't think it's gonna happen! :)
   — ctyst

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