My hips are not the same size, one is much bigger then the other.

Does anyone else have this issue? What exercise can I do to firm up my hips..?THANKS    — RHONADA J. (posted on October 3, 2003)

October 3, 2003
Our bodies are often not symmetrical. My stomach on my right side has always been larger than the left. Leg lifts, bicycling and walking are good for working on the hips.
   — Cathy S.

October 3, 2003
Hi Rhonada. Welcome to the world of imperfect and asymetrical folks (LOL!) We all have something that is bigger or smaller than the other. For me, it's my boobs. The only sure-fire thing that will reduce those fatty areas is aerobic exercise and continuing the high-protein diet. Both of these will burn body fat. You can't "spot reduce". You just have to do what has to be done in order to lose the weight. Eventually, those problem areas will even out somewhat. You will probably always be slightly bigger on one side than on the other, but that is normal (whatever "normal" is, eh?) Don't stress over the things you can't change, dear. Just do what you can do and accept the imperfections as part of who you are. I know, easier said than done, but I am working on that also--self-acceptance is a blessing. God bless.
   — artistmama

October 3, 2003
Dang... I thought I was the only one with this hip promblem!! My right hip is bigger then my left, sorry I donot know nothing that can help you :( But I do feel your pain SIGH
   — Ruschell

October 8, 2003
my left hip sticks out more than the left, it has for the last few years, but recently I noticed that my left arm is larger than my right. I bet if I messure, I'll find more on the left side to be bigger than the right. I'm not too worried about it at this point. Rosa
   — Rosa F.

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