can anyone give some names of protein shakes thas for dibetics?

   — alexzaydria (posted on January 28, 2006)

January 28, 2006
Nectar brand is no sugar no fat. They come in fruit flavors and are great. Just type Nectar in search and you will come up with several websites that offer it at good prices.
   — Barbara M.

January 28, 2006
I love AchievOne. It's thin and has no after taste.
   — Loretta D.

January 28, 2006
First of all, I would suggest that you NOT use an whey ISOLATE protein. I run a local group and have had contact with lots of people online who have had the surgery. What I have found is that the whey isolates - even though they have 0 sugar in them - tend to spike the blood sugars on many diabetics. This seems to be especially true on Type I diabetics, although Type II also frequently experience this as well. I have a friend who is type I diabetic. She has not had weight loss surgery. She did some experiments for me. She has tried several isolate whey protein drinks and several whey blend protein drinks. She tests her sugar after drinking them and she consistently has high sugar readings after the isolates but not after the blends. Although the isolates don't have any sugar in them, we believe that they are absorbed so rapidly (one of their main "benefits" is their rapid absorption) that they hit the bloodstream very quickly and for most diabetics, it causes sugar level spikes. Even some non-diabetic gastric bypass people have problems with them, although most do just just fine. The whey isolates are proteins like the Nectars, Isopure, IDS MultiPro, etc. So it is probably best to stick with the blends. My very favorite is Champion Pure Whey Stack - especially in chocolate. Champion ProScore 100 is great in chocolate, too. But every has different tastes. I suggest that you go to and buy some samples. She has dozens of kinds of whey protein (proteins made from caseinate or soy or eggs are not nearly as good for gastric bypass people as they aren't as bioavailable and don't absorb well) and you can get samples of any of the powders that she has for just $1.99 for a full serving. I suggest that you stick to the blends (anything she has that doesn't say 'isolate'), but if you want to try an isolate or two, be sure to check your sugar level after you drink it and see how you respond to it. You also might want to try mixing half a serving of an isolate and half of a blend to lessen the effect of the isolate. I love mixing IDS MultiPro vanilla/cinnamon (an isolate) with Champion Pure Whey Stack (a blend). I hope this helps and that you find something that you like. I have lots of hints that I can share to help you if you are having difficulty getting protein in. Just write me privately if you'd like to have the list that I have put together. You can send it to [email protected] Best wishes, Sheri
   — jason7598

January 30, 2006
atkins advantage protein they are good for diabetic post op
   — evienicole

January 30, 2006
I used Isopure dutch chocolate ( I could not handle the less-fat Vanilla). I also mixed it with Carb contorol Dairy Drink, rather than skim milk, because the Carb Control has much less sugar. I used to be insulin-dependent, now i don't take any meds for diabetes, although I still watch my sugar and fat intake.
   — Novashannon

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