Just had a revison

Has anyone had a revision lately and what has your experience been with intake amount and how you feel?    — mamita093 (posted on August 30, 2007)

August 30, 2007
I had a revision due to SLD, so my pouch was made smaller again. But that was a long time ago. The intestines were nottouched in mine, but you didn't say what they actually did for you. I had to start over with small amounts, but since I was only 12# up from my goal wt, I went thru the process much faster so I wouldn't lose too much. If I had followed the routine, I'd have dropped about 30# and didn't really need to do that at that time. So, I still had the small meals but more of them.
   — vitalady

August 31, 2007
I had the stomach staple 13 years ago and never lost much weight so July 19, 2005 I had to RYN and have never been more happy! I lost 132lbs and reach my goal weight in december of 06. I now eat a small meal 3 times a day with snacks between meals. I feel wonderful and stay super busy. I am never hungry even after 2 years! I hope this has been helpful...feel free to email me if there is aything else you have questions about :)
   — Sherrier

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