Help me please

I think I'm becoming dehydrated .....I do my protein but for the life of me I cannot drink water I HATE THAT!!! I love water I could drink at least two bottles in a row now I gag...hate crystal light actually I hate all diet drinks yeech I need WATER>>>>>HELP What else can I do?I do the vitamin waters with no problem but I need regular water any suggestions?    — MsGriff07 (posted on September 4, 2007)

September 4, 2007
Please get liquid inside you. Try ice chips, fozen flavored ice chips. ANYTHING How about Gator Aid? The last thing you need is to be dehydrated.
   — tutty8buckwheat

September 4, 2007
I agree with Sherry. FORCE Yourself hon. Make some tea with sweet n low and freeze it like ice cubes and munch on them as well. Its very important for your body. I too hate diet drinks thats why I do the tea thing. And tea comes in so many different flavors. I use Lipton tea (regular with caffeine). I need my Best wishes sweety, Mickey
   — MCraig3

September 4, 2007
Hi- You nned to get fluids in you or you will be in the ER getting rehydrated. I am 2 weeks post-op and have a few items that are great. Popsicle brand sugar free popsicles. They are cheap at Walmart. Also Hawaiin Punch has the sugar free singles. They taste just like the punch. As far as I know from being a nurse and following the informational packet given to long as the fluids that you are drinking are caffeine free and sugar free (water based) they count as fluid. Hot tea (caffeine free) with splenda and a little fat free milk. Mom made me homemade chicken broth. Because it is homemade, it is lower in sodium and fat (she strains the fat from it). She boils chicken with fresh parsley and onions and then strains it. Lets it get cold and then scoops the fat off the top of the pan. It has a 100% better taste then the canned and that is another way to get fluids. I hope this helps you...God bless...Maria...xoxoxo
   — MariaRN

September 4, 2007
I was having trouble drinking plain water too I started putting a little lemon in my water and that seems to really help also by buying the samller water bottles it does not seem so overwhelming hope that helps carli
   — carli brown

September 4, 2007
I can't drink regular water any longer either. Makes my pouch hurt, so I drink propel, sugar free popcicles also count as liquids. I also do not like crystal light, but I have found flavored drinks, no calorie, no carbs no sugar, and drink those. I don't think I have had more than ONE bottle of water a day, and I used to drink over 100 ozs a day. So don't feel alone. Good luck, Diane
   — Diane C.

September 4, 2007
Have you tried Water Sensations? Here is the website for it and you can also order 2 samples for $1.75 to try before you buy. Good luck, Nee
   — Nee P

September 4, 2007
I agree, Water Sensations are great! They have several flavors, I've been using them from the beginning! Hard to find, Target carries them but not all Targets. I like Propel also. Lipton Green Tea iced tea, citrus, mixed berry and rasberry but they are NOT decaf so you have to limit them. Gatorade has too much sugar, I believe 37 grams of sugar for a 16 oz. bottle, so definitely stay away from that!
   — Sheri A.

September 4, 2007
I took ice cubes and put them in the blender and made a snow cone and then added my wn flavoring you can get bottles of flavoringin the baking section. I then purchased a cheap snow cone maker in the kids toy department and it worked great, got lots ofwater in then
   — carcar01

September 4, 2007
I was unable to tolerate water for about the first couple of months following surgery. I was able to drink the Propel flavored water, kool-aid sweetened w/ Splenda and crystal light. Sugar free popsicles became my best friend (smile). Do what you can but you must find a way to get your liquids so that you don't become dehydrated. Try what one of the other people wrote in...sip on ice chips. GOOD LUCK!!!
   — AngelaC.

September 4, 2007
Carla, I had the same difficulty trying to choke water down. I have been adding a splash of Diet Sprite Zero to a 34oz cup of water and lots of ice and am able to get in at least 4 of these a day now. It just gives it a lite lemon lime flavor. Also, like previous posts, ice chips are good, I bought an ice shaver and love it. I carry a cup with me every where I go, from room to room in my home and anytime I leave the home, even when I go out to water my garden every evening, I carry a large cup of Sprite Water with me. You have to work hard at it until it becomes a habit of constantly sipping your water except for meal times. Sip, sip, sip, as important as the chew, chew chew rule. Find what works best for your and your lifestyle. Best of luck to you. Patricia Blackburn 9/30/03 RNY
   — pateblkbrn

September 4, 2007
Hey! Everyone is right, it is very important to drink!! I found out the hard way. I didn't want to drink anything after surgery (wasn't a big drinker before surgery either though). Well I was in the hospital several times for kidney stones (TALK ABOUT PAINFUL!!), and I got severely constipated while taking stool softener (turns out you have to have liquids in your body for those to work, lol). I finally just started making myself drink plain ole' water, and now I usually can get at least 60 ounces in. I only pack plain water to work and try to drink 3--20 oz. bottles before I leave. Then when I get home I allow myself to drink other beverages if I want--most times I may only take a sip or 2.

September 4, 2007
If I were you I would eat water-rich foods. Whole grains like brown rice, bulgar, barley and couscous absorb the water they're cooked in. When you eat them, you're eating water too. Pasta, not so much. If you have to drain the water after cooking something then it didn't absorb enough to make it a water-rich food. And I'm sure I don't have to tell you that fresh fruits and vegetables are full of water as well. Namaste and good luck!
   — belovedideas

September 5, 2007
get a lemon and squeeze some in it and add a packet of sweet n low, if you dont drink water your weight loss will slow, your bowels will not act right and you will have problem, just sip sip sip all day dont try to drink alot at once.
   — DonnaB.

September 5, 2007
2 questions. Cindy mentioned WN flavoring. Can someone tell me what that is? Her idea sounded good to me... even now. Also, I was going to ask her directly but could not figure out how to contact someone on here by e-mail or mesage. Can someone tell me how to do that? Thanks, Lynn
   — Lynn W.

September 5, 2007
Hi . I am 13 monts post op & i still can not drink water.. It makes me feel very sick . i drank about 100 oz of water before WLS. I use decaf Tea, Decaf Coffee, propel & my favorite is crystal light I buy the walmart generic brand& I use the to go propel packets. I drink about 100-120 oz of fluids a day now... when i was drinking the suggested 56 oz after WLS i got dehydrated 3 times & went to the hospital so my md recomended to double my fluids....Best of luck & i know its very hard when you can NOT drink water but some preplanning helps make sure i always have theTOP GO PACKETS in my car, work, lunch bag, friends & families homes, I leave drinks every where i go..They just pop in a bottle of water.....
   — babs810

September 6, 2007
The best thing I found was decaf. tea saved my life. I hope this works for you...ecco92503
   — Marla N.

September 7, 2007
Decaf teas, herbal teas, green teas are all great... can be drunk hot or cold. Koolaide made with splenda (for some reason the "diet koolaide" doesn't taste good tome), propel water, I also have a bunch of different brands and flavors of those beverage "sticks" ... a little tiny cigarette shaped package that you cut open and add to a 16.9 ounce bottle of cold water and shake. You can also make homemade lemonaide or limeade using lime/lemon juice and splenda. Ah, last but not least, sugar free popsicles. Hope some of this helps... I think one of the posters mentioned eating foods with a high water content, that's also a great idea. best wishes.
   — mrsidknee

September 7, 2007
Lynn, regarding Cindy's 'wn' flavoring: I think that was just her typo; she probably meant to type 'my own flavoring'.
   — starby

September 11, 2007
just drink it an in you gag so what.. you need water dear...
   — Kimberly F.

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