what sould i buy in the house for after the surgery? like what kind of food&vitamins

what should i buy in the house /before i have surgery?so im prepare for the food &vitamins&protien for me &my hubsand?are pre-op in on 01/21/2008and our suergrery 02/05/2008    — tle789456 (posted on December 27, 2007)

December 27, 2007
Your medical group and or surgeon should have a "shopping list" for you. Things that were handy for me during my adventure after surgery: a food processor (small), a pill crusher/cutter, 1 oz and 2 oz cups (like salsa cups if you will....can get at a Smart & Final or other warehouse store that caters to both the public and restaurants), and a pill organizer. Vitamins - depending upon what surgery you are having....I had RNY so I had to chew my vitamins for 4 weeks after surgery. I bought Flinestones Kids mulitvitamins - they taste pretty good. I bought the bariatric advantage b-12, I got these little brownie like calcium chewables and the bariatric advantage iron - all chewable. I used the protein bullets (New Whey 42g protein - fruit punch) and drank 1 oz with break/lunch/dinner/b4 dinner. Have a lot of water, popsicles and yogart smoothies. They were my saving grace after surgery for the first few weeks. Good luck. Check with your medical group or surgeon's office or NUT for what you surgeon recommends.
   — jammerz

December 27, 2007
I would suggest, plenty of S/F Jello, s/f popcycles, S/f pudding cups, and if you haven't found a protein drink you like, I recommend Slimfast low carb. It has 20mg protein and 180 calories. Have plenty of flavors of crystal-lite, you will burn out on flavors fast. Special K protein water is pretty good also! And I used baby food, esp meats for the puree phase. 7-8 grams of protein per jar. Plain oatmeal and cream of wheat. I put it in the magic bullet and grind it up a bit! Are you both having surgery at the same time? That is so cool! Good luck! Lesleigh
   — lesleigh07

December 27, 2007
READ "Before and After" by Susan Leach It's the best! Stock broths (I had some home made kinds froze before I went to the hospital). Plenty of protein shakes. Soups that we can eat (strain them ahead of time and freeze them in plastic containers). MEASURING CUPS in 1/3 and 1/4 cup size. Later (when you're on solids) any inexpensive (Walmart) brand food scale will do so you can measure 2-4 oz of things. Broths, soups, protein shakes for at least 4 weeks will do you good. Measuring cups, plastic containers (Ziploc bags work great and I've microwaved them too) and smaller (look for children's cups and bowls) dishes too because when you're only taking in 4 oz of a drink in one meal sitting (but drinking out of a 12 oz glass) it can play games with your mind and emotions. Enjoy, best of luck and email if you need something. Tiffany
   — Phenomenal Woman

December 27, 2007
You'll need a calcium supplement (preferrably calcium citrate), vitamins (chewable or liquid preferred) and some type of protein shake or drink. I used the Isopure whey powdered protein (mix with water or skim milk) that comes in 4 or 5 flavors and is a GNC or Rite Aid. Some people find this somewhat "gritty", and they prefer other premade drinks. I've experimented and found what works well for me. I had surgery in May, 2006. I still use the Isopure about 4 times per week, I used a powdered calcium citrate I mix with foods, and I use a liquid vitamin product called GBG. B-12 supplements are normally also recommended, but the GBG vitamin I use has over 16 times the adult RDA, do a B12 supplement should not be needed. Information on the GBG is on my profile, name ragdolldude. Good luck to you and your husband. Remember also, your tastes may change somewhat after surgery. So don't load up on tons of your favorite flavors prior to surgery. If you like chocolate now, you may not like that flavor after surgery.
   — Dave Chambers

December 27, 2007
I stocked bottled water, crystal lite, sugar free jello to start. I also had baby food, chicken and turkey by gerber, as well as sugar free popsicles. that's about all you'll be able to eat the first few weeks, if that much.
   — Pam Fottrell

December 27, 2007
hi and good luck, I made sure I had a small crock pot to make soups, S/F Jello, S/F popcicles, S/f pudding cups, I froze some of my soup to make popcicles, I used a baby spoon to make sure i was not eating alot in one bite, A pill crusher, applesauce to mix the yucky pills in, yogurt, measuing cups, 2 oz dixie cups, Protien bullet shots, soy milk. I found all these helpful. I wish you the best of luck.. If you need to talk, contact me.. Cynthia
   — babesintoyland

December 27, 2007
dont' over shop -- it will go to waste -- SF popsicles and fudgsicles -- SF jello and pudding -- Dannon light and fit yogurt -- SF oatmeal (walmart) for your next stage -- and ask your surgeon what vitamins you should take -- each surgeon is different -- do not take what 'everyone else is taking' -- always ask your surgeon -- good luck :) my husband i both had RNY 6 months apart -- it's been a great ride :)
   — RCassety

December 28, 2007
see what your surgeons office/nut tells you first. half of the things people listed on here i cant have after surgery (not for some months at least). So i would be advised by my surgeons office.
   — its_my_time

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