I'm 8 months post-op from gastric bypass. Is it common not to be able to sleep after

having surgery?    — Vanessa Dates (posted on January 1, 2008)

January 1, 2008
I wasn't sleeping hardly at all after surgery.. I finally went to my doc a few weeks ago. He put me on zoloft. He thought that my anxiety with a touch of "obessive compulsivness" (as he says) is causing me not to shut my brain off at night.. I can' tell u what a difference it has made.. I sleep like a baby.. good luck.
   — MelissaF

January 1, 2008
personally, i had insomnia or about a month + after surgery. it was horrible. i was close to a major breakdown - some people say that sleep is over-rated....they are sooooo wrong. I got maybe 1-2 hours of sleep - never REM sleep for just over a month. Even to this day - i am just over 10 months out and can have issues sleeping. My PCP gave me some medication to help - Lorezapan (generic for something) and it seems to work well. I can also take it in the AM for anxiety. Anyhow...they said because your hormones are released back into your body and everything is trying to find a new home - everything goes wack-o for a while. Every month or so, I go through the same thing were everything seems to be floating around and I have to get a hold of it and let the dust settle. Small price to pay in the grand scheme of things. LOl. Good luck.
   — jammerz

January 1, 2008
You may just be worrying about the recovery process from surgery. You probably can't turn your brain to pause. You may need a sleeping pill. I know I sleep a light "lighter" since surgery, and use the head gear from rifle ranges over my ears to keep the natural noise down as much as possible.
   — Dave Chambers

January 1, 2008
   — Alvernlaw

January 1, 2008
Yes, I am 5 years out and remember the first months after surgery I had alot of trouble sleeping. I think it is because your whole metabolism is out of whack for awhile from losing weight so rapidly. I had to take a sleeping pill for awhile now and then.
   — Sue V.

January 1, 2008
I'm only 7 weeks out of RNY but I sleep like a log... prior to surgery was when I had my insomnia (over years)... me and sleep aids were ol' buds. Now that the sleep apnea is gone I can get down to REM sleep, I think my body is making up for lost time on my pillow. Hopeful it will continue. I hope your situation improves. Sleep is so important to every body function. Happy New Year, Leslie
   — LuvNSummer

January 1, 2008
I think everyone has a different experience. I am posting so pre-ops don't get frightened by reading your question. I had my surgery 12/14/07 and I have not had any problems sleeping. I usually took my pain med before bed to minimize any pain (and it made me sleepy). I've been off my pain med for the last week or so and not had any problems sleeping. PLUS I had pretty bad reflux and could not sleep on my back or on my right side BEFORE surgery. Since the surgery I can sleep on my back and on my right side with no problems. I think some of the other posters have it right when they say it may be stress related. Check with your doc's office to see what they recommend. Otherwise try some relaxation techniques before bedtime... a warm drink (I drink decaf herbal tea sweetened with a tsp of honey), meditation, a warm bath, reading to unwind, etc. Good luck, and I hope you are soon sleeping well :)
   — KatFord

January 1, 2008
It may be that since you have lost weight, you dont feel so larthargic as you did at heavier weight. i dont sleep so many hours, or lay around like i used to since weight loss. I even went back to work !!
   — shalmar

January 2, 2008
i thought i was the only person feeling that way. for 2 months i had trouble sleeping and I've been have head aches as well
   — yvettetas

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