help pregnant

I've had the surgery in nov of 2007 had my tubes tied doing good and losing the weight tremodously and now just found out i was pregnant are there chances all my weight will come back on and what do i do after the babys born to get back on the right track help!!!    — shorty04 (posted on June 7, 2008)

June 7, 2008
From what I was told you are not to get pregnant until 2 years after this can cause serious birth defects to your fetus because you are not supplying enough nutrients. You need to contact your surgeon because I think you have more to woory about then gaining the weight back. Kim
   — Kimberlin Katayama

June 7, 2008
Well, in my WL group we had a girl that got pregnant three months after her gastric bypass, she is doing good and had a healthy baby boy. You have to take extra precautions but between your ob and your surgeon you will be taken care of..and forget the weight right now, you will be able to continued after the baby. Go back on the gastric bypass diet starting at the 2nd week and get in the habit of eating what you are suppose to do, again.
   — dyates2948

June 7, 2008
Hey girl, congratulations on your pregnancy. I know this was not your plan, but being a Christian, I believe God has a great plan for you and your baby. If you are careful and exercise, you can have a wonderfully healthy pregnancy and lose your weight. Baby first, weight 2nd, but you can do it. It just is not the initial plan. I am sure there are books out there you can read, and get some support from your surgeon maybe, or a nutritionist with wls background. The bottom line, though, is that you can do this, even if you don't get support from anywhere else, you can do it. It might stink, and it might be really tough with the harmonal changes, but YOU CAN DO IT! Patricia P.
   — Patricia P

June 7, 2008
A couple of things to address....first.. although not perfect timing...a baby is a blessing no matter....just contact your surgeon and do as they'll be fine. They do suggest waiting 18 months before conceiving...and using birth control....but it happens and it happens more often than people would think...just because our hormones were probably so stalled with the weight....that the loss jump starts things again. I've been there with a previous weight loss...and conceived my son....but this was prior to surgery. I am confused, however, that you state you had your tubes tied? It seemed as if you were saying you shouldn't really be able to get pregnant.....that is unless you're referring to your weight loss surgery as having your tubes tied? Just wanted to clarify. I think that if you eat healthy, and keep up with your supplements....after you have your baby.... you can start up with your weight loss plan. will more than likely have a good amount of weight loss following the delivery.....especially if you're breast feeding....and use that to your advantage to kick start your weight loss program again. You'll be fine! And on a final the first person that posted in response to your question....I don't think it helps anyone here to berate or judge or demean anyone..... we all have enough on our plates.. (pardon the pun) than to have someone making us feel less than because of something that happens that is not "ideal" in the eyes of our surgeons. _ _ it happens! Best wishes dear..... hugs.....and congrats.....Cheryl
   — Cheryl K.

June 7, 2008
Congrats to you both on your surgery and your pregnancy! Ok, let me try and get this right, you had surgery AND you have your tubes tied? And now you are pregnant? That would make you around seven months post op I think, right? I have some experience in this matter (though without my tubes being tied) as I was eight months post op when I got pregnant (pg) with my first child. I am now just over two years post op with a HEALTHY-no deformities (^see previous poster^) nine month old son. Do you have any children yet? Would this be your first? I am asking a lot of questions, I know, but I would like to help you as much as I can. But I need some more information first! :) If you would like some help, or have any questions, feel free to email me ( [email protected] ) As for the weight loss, I had lost 99 pounds prior to pg, and gained 27, which is exactly what my dr had wanted me to gain for the pg. I have since lost the pg weight, and was back at the 99 pounds I had lost prior, and have lost 23 more, putting my weight loss at a total of 122 pounds. It hasnt been easy, or entirely difficult either. God Bless You, may everything work out at His will. I hope to hear that you are doing well! Steph
   — squeekypete

June 8, 2008
Tubes tied and you got pregnant and is 7 mo post-op...I would definately followup with surgeon for tubes being tied and pregnant to me would be very very cautious. Friend of mines got pregnant 1 yr 4 mo post-op and had a healthy baby girl almost 3 yrs old now. She was told that she had to be monitored closely due to she had had wls and was not 2 yrs post-op as yet. She gained only 14 lbs and lost 30 lbs after having the baby, but in the last 2 yrs she has gained weight 20 lbs by eating junk and never exercising from day one of wls. Check the pregnancy board on and they can tell you maybe what you need to know.
   — mspisces

July 15, 2008
A friend of mine has a freind that had just conceived when she had her surgey done (no the tests came back negative the day of surgery so she did not know) and she has a healthy baby that is now almost a year old.
   — Melanie C.

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