I would like to know a good protein bar because i am losing my hair.

   — lvb405 (posted on July 25, 2008)

July 25, 2008
Linda, check things out with your doctor. My thought my hair loss was due to a lack of protein but it turned out that my thyrod was out of whack from all the weight loss. Wish you the best.
   — Breathin4him

July 25, 2008
Your profile page offers limited data, so we don't know when you had surgery. Many post ops experience hair loss during the 3rd to 7th month post op. Protein bars won't help your hair grow back. Hair loss is the body's reaction to trauma. One woman in my support group lost a lot of hair from her RNY surgery, and it did grow back. But then she had a "tummy tuck" and then she lost hair again, that is still in the proces of growing back. Biotin supplements and Nioxin shampoo will less the hair loss, but nothing can really prevent it from happening. Some patients are affected by hair loss more than others. DAVE
   — Dave Chambers

July 25, 2008
Linda, I use South Beach phase 2 & 3 Meal Replacement Bars. Most are 19 Graims of protein and no sugar. At least two a day. I don't always replace a meal but I always use them. I'm just over six mounths out and I have lost some hair but not as bad as others. Don't forget the Vitimins. Enjoy and God's Speed on your journey. Bob Flick ...aka..moterman
   — moterman

July 25, 2008
Listen to Theresa and have your doctor check things out ... But if you are in need of protein, Oh Yeah! bars are excellent ... I really can't taste the difference between an Oh Yeah! bar and a candy bar, so it gives me a healthy fix when I'm craving something sweet. They are about 25-28g of protein depending on the flavor ... They are also big, so they're filling. The calories are a bit high - in the 350 range - but that is not an issue for me right now because my regular caloric intake is pretty low. Don't worry - your hair will grow back! :-)
   — lauren_marie

July 25, 2008
start taking biotin 5000mg right away it really helps
   — cathacus

July 25, 2008
A protein bar is not going to help. Talk to your surgeon, or PCP and find out what you need. Good protein, low sugar - Pure Protein shakes or bars. You can get the smaller versions from Walmart, but the ones at the Vitamin Stores are bigger and have a bigger taste selection. I am 3 yrs post op and still have thinning/losing hair. I take in at least 75g. of protein daily. I have tried the supplements, but never stuck with them = since that was another BIG horse pill.
   — C-There

July 26, 2008
protein won't help hair loss but a real strong liquid vitamin/mineral supplement like VEMMA will. Go to
   — [Deactivated Member]

July 27, 2008
I also like Pure Protein (Peanut Butter) bars. I've really struggled to find one I like, but this one is great.
   — crydecker

July 28, 2008
Protein may or may not be the problem...In fact I am currently losing my hair and I am 4 1/2 years out. I have labs scheduled to see what's up...I take ALL my vitamins and then some...I get plenty of protein as 100 g is my daily goal which I meet with no troubles...If you still want a good protein bar...well for taste and Low carbs...Oh Yeah Wafers are heavenly...I could easily get addicted to them. They are hard to I buy them by the case at Vitamin Shoppe...You can order them too. I pay $13.00 for nine wafers...I LOVE the Vanilla Creme...They have a slightly peanut-buttery taste and are light and crunchy...with a vanilla frosting. Can't take these out in the heat...They melt to mush...Most protein bars will...Don't leave in the car! There are other delicious flavors too...but i always go back to the Vanilla creme wafers.
   — .Anita R.

July 29, 2008
I drink my protein. I get it at GNC its called New Whey, 42 grams of protein in only 3 oz of fluid...Grape is the best flavor. I still mix with some crystal light.
   — IN_chick

July 29, 2008
Costco has a great bar! It has 30 grams of protein per bar. It is called " Premier Nutrition - Comes packed two packs of 12 bars per sale(24 bars for about $20.00) It has really help me meet by needs. I have a low blood surger problem and it helps keep me in range.
   — blossman

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