Are you gaining weight and wondering why? it could because

you are taking Ambien sleep aide. I have read a lot of posts and people are doing well with excercise and they seem to be eating right. But...........for some strange reason they are gaining or have gained up to 7 lbs. I know this to be the case for me. I was using Ambien to help me fall asleep after 2 deaths in my family 2 months apart. I went from 138 lbs to 145 lbs. and couldn't figure out why. I had my 12 yr old daughter on the weekend I found out what I was doing. She said she got up at 12:30 am, to use the bathroom and I was standing in the shower trying to open the window, because I was hot. I was wondering why the shampoo was on the bathtub floor. She said I then told her I was hungery and went and ate chips and snacks from that night, and some left overs in the fridge. She then told me I said her name was "Ice Cream". That is when she quietly walked me back to bed and tucked me in. I wouldn't have believed it if she wasnt' there to tell me. Shampoo in the bathtub was a clue. My point here is, a lot of people take the pill thinking that won't happen to them. Well, guess what? You probably are on of those. You don't remember doing it. YOu don't even know you have been out of bed or anything. You think you have slept right on through with a good nights sleep. I had a 7 lbs weight gain, walking in my sleep and that scared the mess out of me, that I threw those pills away, with my daughters help of course. I was using them for 3 months. I also went out to check to see if the car was parked all crazy in the driveway or if it was moved at least. I advise, if you are taking these pills, to please find some other form of sleep aide. I know these work good, but it isn't worth gaining weight over. I now take Tylenol PM and Ativan to sleep. I lost the 7 lbs.    — Kristy (posted on October 28, 2009)

October 28, 2009
dear lord that is SUPER scary!!! i have not taken ambien and now you can be sure that i will not!! thank you for this information.
   — greenpunchbuggie

October 28, 2009
Thanks for the info. I usually take Tylenol PM. My motherinlaw was taking Ambien, and she started having multiple falls at all hours of the day. My husband had to go over and pick her up off the floor 3 times in one afternoon. The dr. took her off of Ambien and within 2 weeks she was OK. I've heard a lot of weird stuff happens when you take it.
   — flybaby46

October 28, 2009
When my dad had surgery a couple weeks ago I spend the night with my mom at her house and couldn't sleep. She gave me an ambien, I had taken them presurgery but not post. i don't remember going to bed, I woke up at 7 in the morning, tv still on, my glasses were on the floor, one remote was under my shoulder and a half empty bag of pistachios was on my stomach! I don't even remember getting the bag out of my suitcase or eating anything. I paid for it the next day trying to digest and pass all of those nuts. You need to be very careful with that medicine, it's not for everyone. That was the first time that ever happened to me with that.
   — Tangerine4

October 28, 2009
All of what you are saying is listed as a side affect of Ambian. I also saw a TV show that discussed sleep eating with Ambian. My doctor gave me a six month prescription because I was having a difficult time sleeping with a CPAP but he made me promise to use them only if I was using the machine.
   — Muggs

October 29, 2009
I know we have all seen the advertising for these and the warning, but a lot of people think it won't happen to them. As you see from the previous post, it happens with most of us. I am just trying to explain to people that this could be why people gain weight without a true cause. I just hope people reconsider taking this med and try something else. We have worked to hard with our surgery to let a medicine take it over. Thanks for reading.
   — Kristy

October 29, 2009
i have also seen post to where people have had packages arrive that they have ordered someting and not late at night.and the stuff they were ordering was off the wall stuff that they would never wear or i guess this is a warning to all who are thinking of trying it.
   — carolyn1970

October 30, 2009
My doctor absoluately refused to give me Ambien because alot of people sleep eat and with a gastric bypass you could hurt yourself. So I take a benedryl at night to help sleep. Also I heard alot of people that sleep walk and do crazy things. To me its just not worth it..I think a drug that has so many things happening like that shouldn't be on the market.. Don't need sleep that bad. lol
   — okbuffy

October 30, 2009
OMG! I just had a major discussion w/hubby this a.m. about him "letting" me eat after I take the Ambien at night. I woke up this morning to find an opened jar of peanut butter & loaf of bread on the counter & a terrible stomachache. Sad thing is, he had made me a mini PB sandwich before that & apparently I got up & made another one (only God knows how much). I have been taking Ambien approx. 5 years & this happens (that I know of) about once a month, & it is always peanutbutter & bread. I guess I'm addicted to the ambien & just can't sleep for about 3-4 days without it & abviously miserable. I had gastric bypass 5 years ago & just in the past 3 months gained 5lbs. Am totally freaked out. I wish I could stop the Ambien but obviously need help. Thanks for hearing me. Also just started Estrogen cream therapy & contributed the weight gain to that. I just turned 52 on 10/27 & the old menopause thing was getting to me. So wondering, is it the Ambien or the Estrogen?
   — PattyMM

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