im 6 days post-op and scared of tearing apart the new connections

is it possible for the surgical connections made in an roux-en-y to come undone? such as going boat riding, or being in a car wreck or something?    — LAURIE M. (posted on August 10, 2002)

August 11, 2002
I would be very careful. My doctor told me lift nothing over five lbs. until I was two months out. Also, he said no vaccuming or an activity other than walking. I would be very cautious about going out on the boat. I am still very leary at two months post-op because of the jarring it may do. But I would call your doctor to see, just in case. Good Luck~ Candi
   — Candi B.

August 11, 2002
I've never heard of anyone "undoing" their surgical connections... the reason the docs want you to take it easy (ie lifting, vacuuming, etc) is to lessen the chance of a hernia. The body is a pretty amazing thing, and when healthy, heals pretty well.
   — kristinevok

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