I will have my sergury on 4/25/06 and I am scared?

I would like to know if they put you to sleep before you go to the operation room, I am very scared to see tools or things that can scare me, If someone can tell me how things is in the hospital and how long they have to wait to get the operaction done, If they do test or what? Please help. thanks    — janethjaquez (posted on April 21, 2006)

April 21, 2006
Sweetie you will never seen the operation room. I don't remember I thing because they put me out even before they took me in. You will do just fine; put your trust in the Lord and everything will go just fine. Good luck on your new journey. God Bless Laural
   — Laural D.

April 21, 2006
you can ask for a seditive before you go in. I have been in the operating room probably a dozen times, and I still get nervous. It is very cold in there, so you can ask for as many blankets (heated) as you want. They will make you feel very comfortable as they can. Some times before your operation, you can speak with a cordinator and she will actually take you into one. Our hospital does this. They take you around to the room you will be in and explain everything. You will be just fine. Congrats on the start of your new journey. Trust me it is a fantastic trip. One that you will remember for ever. Steve
   — Steve Cohen

April 21, 2006
I was put to sleep within minutes after getting into the operating room. I remember seeing nothing besides the doctors and nurses standing above my head. They asked me to count backwards from 10. When I got to 5 I was out until I woke up in recovery. They administered a drug into my I.V. prior going into the operating room. The drug calmed me to the point I really did not know what was going on. Once in the operating room they asked me several questions and explained what they will be doing once again. Good Luck, I would ask to be put to sleep prior going in the operating room. My hospital did not do it that way. I had previous surgeries that really scared me. The gastric surgery I was actually more calmer. It must be the drug they adminsitered prior to surger. You will be just fine. I will be praying for you.
   — lkirkland1

April 21, 2006
I was given something via my IV in pre-op before I even saw the OR. They also put in my foley catheter in the OR also while I was under anesthesia-that of all things is usually trumatic for me!
   — chris123

April 21, 2006
I absolutely do not remember a thing. The anathesioligist came into pre-op and put an IV in my arm and talked a little bit and then said he would give me something in my IV to relax me and that was the last thing I remember until post-op. My husband said I continued to talk like I was there but I don't remember talking to him, saying good-bye to him or even talking to the surgeon when he came in to check on me pre-op. So, my dear, relax and just with the flo. You will be well taken care of and it will be over before you know it. I have not regretted a single moment of it! God bless! Carol
   — Carol M.

April 21, 2006
I felt the same way. I was so excited, but terrified!! scared!!and nervous. My husband said goodby, and they wheeled me into a large room, where everything was explained to me one more time. I asked the nurse if they could give me something to calm me down. I wasn't even in the operation room yet. The nurse called the anaesthesiologist in and told him I would like something because I was nervous. He told me what would happen AGAIN! Then he gave me somthing to relax me. That was the last thing I remember until I woke up in recovery, and I usually remember everything! I knew to ask because someone else posted the very same thing on this site. She recommended anyone who is nervous just ask for something to calm you down, and they do!
   — Jenny1

April 21, 2006
Everything is going to be just fine. They will put you in a pre-op room and take some information, blood pressure, etc, put in an IV. They will put a medication into your IV that will make you very drosey; you won't remember a thing shortly there after. Good luck and don't worry everything will be great.
   — Juju B

April 22, 2006
No, they do not put you to sleep until your are actually on the operating table, but they give you medication to relax you, so don't worry. All will be fine.
   — blm4602

April 22, 2006
I was awake until I crawled from the hospital bed over onto the OR table, but I don't remember anything after that. I didn't see anything scary, just doctors and nurses getting ready to go. I was told to show up at 2 for my 5:00 surgery, but they weren't ready to start prepping me until 3 so I walked around with my mom and hubby. Once they took me back into preop, it was about an hour before they took me on to surgery. In that time, they rechecked my vitals, got my IV going, and my surgeon, anesthesiologist, and camera operator came to see me. Personally I was never really scared, I knew I was doing the absolute best thing for me, and I knew I was in the best hands around. Good luck!
   — nicolerod

April 22, 2006
I am sure different hospitals handle things differently, but I never saw the operating room. I don't even remember anything past telling my husband I would see him later. That is it. I remember waking up in the recovery room next. You will be find and be brave. Hang in there, it will be the best think you have ever done.
   — mjstahlm

April 22, 2006
I've had 6 surgical procedures that required me to be knocked out. I remember the operating room for each of them, but I was only in there a few minutes before I was put under. I too was given a sedative prior to entering the operating room which calmed me down considerably. The only scary thing about the room is the unknown, I liked the idea of touring an OR before hand. It is VERY cold and bright, but there have never been any instraments or tools visible, they arey usually covered. The last thing I remember before going under with my WLS was that they were playing Guns N Roses on the radio. LOL
   — RebeccaP

April 22, 2006
I was not put under anaesthetic until after I had entered the O.R. The nurse introduced himself then offered a warm blanket. I had to move onto the O.R. table then my arms were strapped to boards, but the nurse was very comforting. I found being awake in the O.R. good because I was able to express to the surgical staff my fears. He even wiped away my tear as I went under. It was very lovely. Enjoy whatever steps are taken for your surgery.
   — massage_diva

April 22, 2006
I had my surgery done on Feb 21,2006. I was apprehensive about the whole thing but all the staff put me at ease real quick. In pre-op the nicest nurse put my IV in. (It did not hurt because she rubbed deadning stuff on my hand.) I was asked if I wanted anything,but I felt calm right away so I think they put something in the IV. The whole experience was very easy. Dr's came in and talked about the pros and cons and then they put me in a wheelchair and wheeled me into the operating room. Very bright and calming, I stood up and transfered to table. I remember they all seemed so happy, joking with me and then I woke up in recovery where all of staff was happy and told me they were proud that I took the big step to improve my health. They gave me the tool, now the rest is up to me. I just adore Dr.Brown and Saint Josephs in Denver. I am down 30+ since surgery but am very careful to do as they told me. Oh about 1 1/2 weeks prior to surgery they did the pre-op-blood tests,ekg,ckd wgt,height. Honestly, think ALL positive and relax. I'll be thinking about you-lots of good and positive stuff! I saw no tools etc. Just nice people and a table. Let us all know how you do?
   — mtackett

April 22, 2006
I as put to sleep just minutes after arriving in the OR but you can ask for a sedative beforehand to calm you. Just be honest with your surgeon and let them know your anxiety regarding OR's. Good luck.
   — classite

April 23, 2006
Just relax when they give to medicine to knock you out and let it work. Just breath and go to an warm, soothing place in your mind. You will be just fine. Like the others in this post, let God help you. Vera
   — vhoupt

April 24, 2006
They give you something to relax you and that will be the last thing you'll remember, you never see the operating room because your out cold.---No worries!
   — vlaster

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