I need exercising ideas.

I will be having surgery in January 2007. My question is what happens to the access skin. I am 26 years old. I am not extremely overweight, but enough. Are there any good exercises to get rid of the extra skin on your stomach. Thanks, Michele    — missyheffelfinger (posted on September 18, 2006)

September 18, 2006
Michele, There is no magic exercise to make it all go away you will have some. But the key is to start doing exercise right away and put it into your daily routine. Also, Glutamine is a great supplement to add to your protein shakes to help with muscle tone, blood sugar regulation, and skin tone. Start it right away and stay on it daily. Hope that helps, Hugs from your Okie Friend
   — wealthgvr

September 18, 2006
Start walking or riding a bike. If you have an eliptical machine available to you, work up to that machine. If there are fitness centers in your area, use their coupons for a free 14 day trial without joining. There is this one weight machine were you lay on your back and push the weight up, this for me would help the lower portion of my stomach. Also laying down and doing leg lifts will help the lower stomach as well. I don't have a surgery date yet but I'm working out almost everday. Do you know if your surgeon is going to have you on a liquid diet prior to your surgery? Some do.
   — the7thdean

September 18, 2006
Hi Michele, Well there are a couple of things that you can do to get rid of excess skin on your stomach. First I would recommend trying ab exercises to try and tighten the skin. If this does not work, depending on whether you would mind a large scar across your belly, you could get a procedure called a panniculectomy(sp?), AKA tummy tuck. I would highly recommed that as only a last resort though because it is actually considered a Major surgery, and should only be pursued if you have a LOT of excess skin. Hope this helps...
   — C. Reed

September 18, 2006
hi ! exercise all you can . there is more for some than others . Depending on how much you have to lose and your age, etc . MIne hangs honey . I have alot . i have been told what exercise does not take off only can be surgical removed . You are very young though and probably have good skin tone and will not probably have that much hon . Good luck on felling and looking so much better
   — losingit

September 18, 2006
to get trid of excess skin? walk..... straight to a plastic surgeons office for a TT when you are at a healthy stable weight. come see us on the PS message board.
   — **willow**

September 18, 2006
HI, I am 30 years old and had 2 kids back to back my daughter was only 7 month old when I had my surgery (6-12-06). I am 3 month post op I started at 295lb down to 260lb lost 35lb and joined gym 3 weeks ago, this is what I am doing. Monday and Wednesday I take pilates class it's great to tone your whole body and because it's the inner mascules that you use it help to tighten up the stomach area. On Tuesday and Thurdays I do aquarobics in the pool, this very easy because you are in the water but you are doing alot of abs and other excercises to help with your arms bottom etc. On Friday I lift weights to help by upper arms and do push ups for my tommy. I notice that my stomach is shrinking and it's not hanging I hope I will not have hanging skin. My doctor said that because I am young I should not have a problem. I recommend that you if do not do aquarobics at list get to do pilates it's really going to shift your body. I know it's working for me even though I had a baby now 10 month ago and still have "baby fat" on my stomach area. Good Luck, God Bless and I hope this will work for you. Also try yoga I am still looking for the class in my area, but it will flex you and strengthen your muscles.
   — olga8

September 18, 2006
Hi, you must keep in mind that skin that has been stretched out beyond the ability to shrink back is just excess skin. There are not any exercises that will take care of that. Exercise is a must, but won't be the cure all. A lot depends on your age, how overweight you are and the amount of elasticity left in your skin. Good luck.
   — WilsonCrimson

September 19, 2006
Some people do not have a lot of excess skin; it depends on your age and how much you need to lose, among other things. Exercise can tone your muscles, but will not get rid of excess skin.
   — Novashannon

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