I have been gaining wgt again up 40 lbs. any one have this problem?

I had rouen-y 3 years ago. got down to 160 from 277. now I am stealily gaining. up 40 lbs. I am always hungry and getting scared I will end up where I started. please help.    — dwickster (posted on December 5, 2006)

December 5, 2006
hey donna, i havent had my surgery yet so i cant answer from experience, but i think the best thing for you to do is contact your nutritionist and maybe he/she can help you make changes in your diet to help you. are you following your diet as ordered? are you trying foods that can fill you up better or "stick with you." ? another thing is make sure you are getting in all your water and are not snacking, instead only eating three meals a day. these things are all very important and the key to keeping the weight off from what i understand. good luck and i hope this helps. holly
   — RNlvnCARSON

December 5, 2006
Go back to your basics....water...protein...and exercise..walking
   — shortskirt_ky

December 5, 2006
Also . . . focus on your health and why you had the surgery in the first place. I fight temptation by reminding myself how what I eat affects my liver, blood pressure, back, etc. That means even more to me than the number on the scale!
   — deeport

December 5, 2006
Donna, first I suggest you contact your surgeon and have your mechanics checked to be sure all is working properly. Where you transected? If you are hungry allot you need to make sure your pouch is holding the food correctly (i.e. no Staple Line Disruption, enlarged stoma, etc). If that is all working correctly then seeing a nutritionist to re-evaluate what you are eating should be the second step. 2+ years post-op is when some start experiencing weight gain but if all is working correctly you can regain control with your eating by focusing on dense protein first, vegetables, fruits, lots of liquids and exercise. Best wishes, Dana
   — cajungirl

December 6, 2006
Your first step, before contacting anyone should be for you to be honest with yourself. What are you eating? Go back to protein first. Protein supplements should be part of your plan also. And cut out all the carbs, no rice, potatoes, pasta or bread. Eating protein first should help your cravings and hunger. Go to and join the board they can help.
   — ccstann

December 6, 2006
I had rouen-y in 2001. Got down to 168 from 277. About 1 yr ago I started getting sick threwing up at night only. My weight went back up to 248. For 8 mths they said I had a severe GERD. To make a long story short I ended up in to the hospital to have hiatal hernia and stoma repair. When they open my stomach I had a serious medical issue going on with my stomach. I had to have a revision to DS Switch. Don't wait to go talk to your doctor and get his advice on your situation, before you find yourself back up to 277. I felt like a failure. Then I got pass that and had to deal with the issues.
   — crabtree

December 7, 2006
Hey Donna... Lots of questions for you.... Are you still getting in enough protein & water? Are you eating carbs? if so - stop, How many times are you eating a day? Are you grazing? Are you drinking with your meals? if so - stop. Are you exercising? If not, get back into it... if you are.... kick it up a couple of notches or try different exercise that will work different muscle groups..... good luck to you...
   — Kari_K

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