Has anyone used Apple Cider Vinegar as a homeopathic health benefit? Safe?

I'm a long-term postie of about 5 years and am considering starting an apple cider vinegar regime for the overall health benefits. I have 2 friends who have had wonderful results using this homeopathic remedy for everything from allergy relief to dry skin. Have any other OH members ever used apple cider vinegar after surgery and if so, what were your results? (FYI - I have a message into my surgeon's office also)    — Rosebud01 (posted on June 24, 2007)

June 24, 2007
How do you use it? Are you putting it on wounds or drinking it somehow? My mom used to put it on our skin when we got took the sting out of the sunburn. however, we smelled like dill pickles! tee hee Carlotta
   — CDJ

June 24, 2007
Hi Rose. I have never heard of this, but would be interested in your research. Take care. Patricia P.
   — Patricia P

June 24, 2007
Hi, I am definitely going to go with the ACV regime. It is all natural, so what could it possibly hurt? I will start slowly and see what happens. It cannot be worse than some of the things that I have eaten for a first time and have made me ill. Let me know how you get along. I have read and heard great things about apple cider vinegar. I am 18 months out, so think that everything is healed and it is okay to start this. Thanks for bringing this up.
   — lovinit

June 25, 2007
I have a friend who used to mix the vinegar in water and drink it but never talked to her about it. She is into all the homeopathic health stuff. I'll have to check and see if it has helped and if she is still doing it.
   — Virginia M.

June 25, 2007
Original poster here.... To answer the first post, the recommendation for using Apple Cider Vinegar is 2tbl in 4-8oz water w/ 1/4 tsp baking soda either 2 or 3 times per day. This is just the basic method, but there are plenty of variations (putting it in tea, organic juice, hot water w/ lemon). I began last night with putting 2 tbl in 4 oz of organic apple juice and have had no side effects so far. I'm interested to see if my nasal allergies improve from it since I usually have an awful stuffed up nose all summer. I've read some very interesting articles on ACV from a site my friend recommended, It also has useful info about other homeopathic, all natural remedies.
   — Rosebud01

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