Can Crystal Light be included in your 100 oz water intake?

Or is it water only?    — sexy red (posted on May 27, 2008)

May 26, 2008
Yes, anything liquid can go towards your fluid intake, your jellos, popsicles, crystal light. Use it to your advantage, there was no way I could take it all in through water alone, ugh!!!! Good luck.
   — PAWLLA L.

May 26, 2008
Yes! Absolutely! Even Low Carb is YUMMY!
   — smarshall1975

May 27, 2008
The first poster is not correct when stating that anything liquid can be used toward your liquid for the day. If you consume anything with alcohol or caffeine, you need to drink EXTRA to counteract the amount that you drank since these products actually ROB the body of water. Regular coffee and tea, beer, liquor and mixed drinks require MORE water or fluid intake. If you drink DECAF coffee and tea then you are fine. The same rule applies for NON ALCOHOLIC mixed drinks (things like the Virgin Mary or the Virgin Daiquiri). They do not require more fluid intake like their alcohol filled cousins.
   — hubarlow

May 27, 2008
I could not drink plain water for the first year. It tasted like metal or pool water. I dunno what I would have done without Crystal lite. These days...all I want is plain clear water! Your body prefers plain water...less work on your kidneys and liver...but get those clear liquids in no matter how you can! CL is a good way! I put a water filter on my house and one in the fridge and now I get double filtered yummy water and don't mind drinking it plain now.
   — .Anita R.

May 27, 2008
I am not sure if I hit enter or not.... I was saying that you should go for 100 oz of purified water a day. That's WATER. You can put a squeeze of lemon in for flavor and the added bonus of alkalinity. I used a gallon jug of purified water as a guideline as I was learning to increase my water intake. Now it comes naturally. The poster who indicated you'll have a water debt if you drink coffee, alcohol, etc is absolutely right on the mark. There simply is no substitute for purified water. Our bodies do not function as well on the chemically laced products like artificially sweetened fizzy drinks and high fructose corn syrup filled garbage that's out there. Personally I'd stay away from artificial sweeteners all together as they are part of the reason for our obesity epidemic anyway. Once you get used to that much water, your body reminds you it is needed.
   — Ruth Shapovalov

May 28, 2008
Yes. Your protein supplements (if you use them) are also fluid... coffee, water, flavored water and anything you make with a fair amount of water can all be included in your total.
   — gonnadoit

May 28, 2008
Thanks for the responses to my question. It's great I can include Crystal Light, if I could drink 100 oz of only water starting out I wouldn't need the surgery Lol. And don't be too critical on the posts I am sure the earlier poster was not trying to imply an alcoholic beverage is considered part of your fluid intake. I mean really if you have the weight loss surgery done and you down four tall cans of bud light daily to get your fluid in, something would definitely have to be wrong with you!!! LOL
   — sexy red

May 28, 2008
You can also drink sugar free koolaid. I have found the WalMart brand sugar free koolaid to be very good. I really like the Raspberry Ice and Pink Lemonade, there are several flavors and not very expensive.
   — SweetBell

May 29, 2008
Crystal lite is fine. I drink that, diet ice tea and propel.
   — redlilies

June 2, 2008
Just my 2 cents... I stopped drinking the Crystal Light mixes in favor of the Special K Protein Water Mix. I beleive it comes in 3 flavors although I've only found 2 in my local supermarkets. I'm not crazy about the Pink Lemonade flavor (it's a bit bitter) but I love the Iced Tea flavor. It adds 5 grams of protein to my water bottles so it helps to kill 2 birds w/one stone. Good luck to you!
   — dsmuffin

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