Does EVERYBODY need plastic surgery??

I am considering WLS and I see numerous posts from individuals painfully disappointed in the condition of their sagging skin. So depressed in fact, that they are spending thousands on plastic surgery to cosmetically correct their bodies, and it scares me. I had hoped to have this surgery in order to lead a healthier life and now I'm terrified I will become severely depressed with my imminent disfiguring skin. Clinically Depressed at the sight of my own body? To a newbie, these posts read as if one must trade a battle weight loss for a psychological battle of body image and sagging skin? That it is a GIVEN. So, has anyone lost the pounds and not hated "The Skin you're In"?    — georgiagal (posted on March 15, 2010)

March 15, 2010
ME! I don't hate the skin I'm in. Yeah, I've got loose skin under my arms, but compared to the fat skin I DID have, with DEEP dimples at my elbows, I'll take it! So what if I can't wear sleeveless blouses? I never wore them when I was fat, either! And yeah, I have a saggy tummy - not anywhere near as bad as I thought it was going to be, but Flexees panties (I get them at Costco for $12.99 for a package of 3 pairs) takes care of that. They're like a panty girdle that holds my tummy up and in, and there's not a "jiggle" to be had when I've got them on. And yeah, I have loose skin on the insides of my thighs... but you know what? At least I can stand with my feet and knees together now (and I can even cross my legs at the knee!), and when I've got on a tight pair of "Sevens" (designer jeans in a size 10 that my daughter just gave me) - you'd never know about the loose skin on my thighs. It's NOT disfiguring....and as a matter of fact, I have pictures taken in my underwear before sugery, and then at 25 pound intervals afterwards... and the last set of pictures is amazing. I don't often offer, but am willing to send you a private email with them so you can see that the "loose skin" is not anywhere NEAR as disfiguring as many people feel that it is. I mean... how could it be ANY worse than when we were morbidly obese and had to deal with embarrasing body odors and rashes? And we still had the cellulite then....what? People think it's going to magically disappear? Not!! Our bodies will never be as youthful and beautiful-looking as the models in the clothing magazines (even the Lane Bryant or Roaman's catalogues). But, every time I look in the mirror without clothes on, I am absolutely amazed and thankful for my wonderful surgeon for giving me a second chance at life, even though it took me until I was 55 years old to get up the courage to do it. So yeah, ME.... I DON'T HATE THE SKIN I'M IN -- I LOVE IT!!
   — Erica Alikchihoo

March 15, 2010
Like Erica, I don't hate the skin I'm in. I am only 7 months out from my RNY and have lost 90 lbs but my high blood pressure is gone, my high blood sugar is gone, the pain in my feet and legs is gone, I can breath walking into a store and so many more things that 7 months ago I couldn't do. I wish my skin looked 20 again but since I am 43 I guess even without weightloss that won't happen. I do have sagging skin under my arms and around my stomach but I also were undergarments that really cover almost any flaws. The health that has been given back to me and my family is worth any amount of sagging skin. WLS surgery is really more about your health than how we look but going from a 24 to a loose 14 in 7 months has been great. Sagging skin or not I can wear nice summer clothes and shoes this year. I would definitly do this again and continue to invest in the undergarments to look this good in clothes and to feel this great. Good luck in your journey, I hope you find the answers you need to help you feel comfortable in your decision making process.
   — lisa L.

March 15, 2010
Me! Almost 8 months post op, and 104lbs less, plus no pain in legs and feet. My skin seems to be tightening up just fine. Walk Walk Walk! I'll be 50 in 5 months and I'm so happy with the wt loss, I'd do the surgery again in a heartbeat.
   — Nurseducky

March 15, 2010
it depends what you weigh i weighed 400 pounds; you do not get there over night either; our bodies are never perfect. medically i got 1 surgery done for lower tummy tuck i need an anchor cut to get adjusted as well but i wanted it so i guess it just depends
   — tl_morgan

March 15, 2010
I am 6 years out. Sure, I have saggy skin, but no where near what I thought I would have. I have no boobs, going from a 46 DD to a 34A (maybe). I have a little pouchy stomach but I can handle it. Never wanted plastic surgery and don't feel I need it. I'm just happy to be slim and healthy. No regain in all this time. Just enjoying life. I also take depression meds.....they must be working!!!!
   — Kathy

March 16, 2010
I Love the "New Me"! At 364lbs I had rolls and dimples and fat pockets and more rolls,cankles,no elbow cause the fat from my upper arm hung over it,ugly back fat,a 3 tier stomach,sausage fingers,thunder thighs,and when I walked it looked like I was walking around myself.So heck no a little loose skin would be a reason for me to not have wanted to lose weight. And the extra skin will be there even if you lost weight without WLS. That is the consequence of over eating and stretching out your body. Everybody doesnt see it like me. There are people out there that are having a hard time with the fact that their body wont just tighten up on its own.Some people have negative people in their lives that point out the extra skin and the fact that now they are stuck with a horrible figure.And we shouldnt look down on them or pity them because everyones self image is different. BUT! We are now healthy. No more comorbids. And able to live our lives to the fullest. Thats what I am doing. And if you can put all of those horrible things that I had to live with while being fat, against sagging skin. I think you would pick the skin. I look at it as my battle scar. It reminds me of what I have gone against.And I won. And I will have my boobs,arms, and stomach done down the line. But its for vanity. I had WLS to save my life.
   — tiawillb

March 16, 2010
Hi my name is Tammi I had RNY July 2008 I have lost 200 pounds I am happy to have the weight off. I weigh 174 and am 5'4 I have have had breast reduction because of back pain and still have problems with my back even after they removed 2.5 pounds, I believe its the back not the weight and am seeing a specialist for deep muscle tissue finially after 9 years some relief. The breast reduction was a blessing and would do it again in a minute. I have the saggy arms the skin saggy on my butt and my legs are the worst if I had a choice I could live with it all but would like at least my arms done. I have sagging skin on my stomache remember how stretched out we have gotten, its like inflating a balloon then letting the air out. Honestely I am the happiest I have been for ever I am living. I am leaving for a Mission trip for the Philippines for 6 weeks,this is a true Blessing, its been a goal for about 3 years, I never would have been able to do it with the extra 200 pounds and I would do it all over again saggy skin and all, I would much rather have the skin the way it is then the weight anyday. Clothes cover it well, and be proud of yourself when you get the surgery who cares what anyone else thinks,I still wear elso length sleeves but I do wear a swim suite and its ok hey never would of wore one before I will say I discover anew part of me every day thinking wow is that me wow look at that i have collar bones or ribs or hips its awesome, I say if you want to be happy and to live get rid of the weight I have seen some that really workout and have great results with their skin I walk but not to active right now need to be though I want to try to firm up, any way take care if u have more questions just ask Tammi
   — Tammi Sandoval

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