I have been on my pre op liquid diet for 4 days

...5 lbs lost well right now yesterday it was 7lbs. I weigh myself all the time. I need to loose 10 more in 9 days. HELP!    — Jennifer G. (posted on April 11, 2010)

April 11, 2010
this is the hardest part,I would suggest protein drinks but look at the sugar content and pick the lowest ones and I ate a lot of sugar free jello and chicken broth with low salt I know it really stinks but just keep your eye on the prize and take it one day at a time. I am pulling for you and let us know how you are doing you will make it have faith in yourself. Joann
   — Redhead7977

April 11, 2010
stay on your Protien shakes It will drop off fast I promise.. I am going on mine tomorrow, and i need to Loose 5 to 6 pounds by Fiday the 16th. I feel you can do It !!! Punky57
   — punky57

April 11, 2010
Hi-i am 7 days away from RNY gastric bypass & also on liquid stage!Its not easy!Just hang in there!What type of surgery are you having?Paula
   — paulamill

April 11, 2010
Try walking a lot each day too, but the weight will come off. I found that after the third day it got much easier. Good luck!
   — FSUMom

April 11, 2010
Thanks everyone! I will stick to it just thought the lbs would come off faster! I am stepping it up a notch since my RNY surgery is in 9 days OMG :) I appriciate the support and encouragement..I need it :) Jen G
   — Jennifer G.

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