I can't seem to stop eating

I don't know what the deal is...I found out this week that my information has been forwarded to insurance, and I should be hearing back from them anytime...but for some reason, in the meantime, it seems like ALL I do is eat! Is this normal?    — kcericson (posted on April 29, 2010)

April 29, 2010
Sounds like mental hunger, try to drink water first when you feel hungry and get your mind on to something else, wait 30 min and then see if your still hungry. Good Luck on getting your approval and God Bless
   — T R.

April 29, 2010
This is normal - we've all been there. It's called "The Last Supper Syndrome" ... basically you feel like the surgery will cut off your ability to ever eat again so you need to have one last big dinner before it all comes to an end. Except it's not usually just one dinner, it's weeks of last supper experiences. Please remember that in time you'll be able to eat your favorite foods again. The extreme restriction right after surgery will be tough, but sooner than you realize you'll be eating normal food. The portions will be smaller and naturally you'll want to eat healthier foods. In moderation you'll be able to eat pretty much anything you want as you get further out from surgery. The amazing thing about WLS is that you'll be satisfied on much less -- so instead of 3 slices of chocolate cake, you'll be perfectly happy with a single forkful. Yes, really! One thing to remember in these weeks before surgery is that any weight you gain now will be that much work you'll have to do after surgery and the longer it'll take you to get to your goal weight. Don't sabotage yourself before you even get started.
   — Pam T.

April 29, 2010
I agree that it is probably ":head hunger". Be careful though, some surgeons will not go forward with the surgery if you've gained any weight. My surgeon would not do surgery if you gained any weight from the time you signed onto the program. If you're eating because you're nervous, please know you will be fine and if you follow your doctor's instructions you will be happy you made the decision to go forward.
   — Muggs

April 30, 2010
When faced with uncontrolled urges to eat make sure the things you have on hand are helpfull. cut fruit and veg platter, Popcorn with light butter, gum and hard candy to suck on. This way you fill the need with out hurting your goal to lose. I find a good cup of tea is relaxing and no calories. Find a comfort food set that is no harmful but makes you feel treasured and you will find the journey much easier.
   — trible

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