Is there anything that I can start doing now, that will help speed up my recovery?

I have started walking about 30 minutes every day. I also started taking my vitamins and mnerals. I am also worried about getting a blood clot. however I have good leg circulation and have never had a clot. Is there anything that I can do now to lower that risk? I thought about taking an asprin a day. anybody have any ideas?    — STAR W. (posted on May 30, 2000)

May 30, 2000
I second that Barb!! I was told not to take any asprin or ibprophen.
   — Sharon T.

May 30, 2000
My Dr. said no herbs or pain relievers pre op. But I did take a vitamin and mineral supplement and a zinc Lozenger every day but DON'T TAKE ANYTHING UNLESS YOU CLEAR IT WITH YOUR DOCTOR FIRST!!
   — Rose A.

May 31, 2000
Star, It is a great help to try to lose as close to 5 to 10 lbs. It has proven to help with the surgery and the recovery.
   — Becki S.

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