
i am pre surgery,but my wife asked me if after losing a lot will my ins. pay to have the excess skin removed? i don't know can someone help. i am on ss disability and access    — STEVE S. (posted on December 27, 2002)

December 27, 2002
They will pay if you can prove medical necessity, which means document all back pain, rashes, etc. Go to an orthopedic surgeon, chiropractor, whatever, and have your PCP document all related complaints. Start building your case. Good luck.
   — Leslie F.

December 27, 2002
My insurance co. paid for my TT because I was having another procedure done at the same time and my doc wrapped it up into one nice, neat package...he's awesome!! I digress. Anyway, some insurance will pay for skin removal if there is medical necessity...document any and all skin rashes, and low back pain caused by hanging skin...if you have a hernia, you have an even better shot...or if your ins. is like mine, and wouldn't allow my gall bladder to come out with my rny, six months later I was @ goal and having terrible gall bladder I have no gall bladder, and a flat belly. Good Luck!! Have a Sparkling Day!! ~CAE~
   — Mustang

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