Why am I breaking out Post Op

I am approximately 4 MOS Post op. Now I notice after I take a bath, my cheeks get real red and stay that way for a while. I never had this problem before. I also am breaking out on my legs and arms with acne..I take all my vitamins and dont eat any sugar or fatty foods. I dont feel like I have dry skin..Does anyone else have these same problems? Thank You, Nancy    — NANCY P. (posted on April 8, 2003)

April 7, 2003
I am also having a bad time with acne...I was told that it could be a possibility because, as we lose fat, testosterone (which is stored in fat cells) is released into our systems, throwing our hormones out of balance. I'm in the process of trying to find a far, the prescriptions from my PCP are not working. I guess the next step is the dermotologist.
   — Amy W.

April 8, 2003
I found that the Actigal that the surgeon had me taken for 6 months post-op made me zitty.
   — missmollyk

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