What is going on with me?

Ok my friends...I need some help here....first off, I am 11 months post op from open RNY and have lost 91 pounds... well, HAD lost...which is why I am posting... in the past two weeks I have gained 5 lbs back....have not been eating junk.. I'm drinking fluids, taking vits...some days I eat a little more than others, but still minimal portions... oh, and my ankles have swollen up the past couple of days.. I do walk "a lot" at work and also use an exercise machine at home 4 days per ideas? This is sort of bumming me out...have not had a period in about 2 months so I don't think it's water retention from that... Ok folks, I'm all ears!! lol Love and light, Lisa    — medium (posted on October 17, 2003)

October 17, 2003
Hi, okay.... if you are working out please remember that muscle weighs more than fat so you can still be losing fat but gaining muscle. Are you eating things that seem like little amounts but are high caloric? I know some in support have not realized how much they can gain with so little of it. and based on the ankles you could be retaining water if you are not drinking enough water. Drink more water since it is a natural directic and you should flush the system of what you have retained. Hope this helps. God Bless angie
   — Angie-H

October 17, 2003
Havent had a period in 'two' months? WHY? Could you be pregnant? You may have been one of those that thought 'couldnt' get pregnant - and now with weight loss IS pregnant.. please check. As far as the swollen ankles THAT doesnt sound normal.. All in all please check with your PCP
   — star .

October 17, 2003
I had a simmilar problem at 2 months post op my monthly stopped, for 3 months and my weight loss slowed dramaticaly. I did experiance ankle swelling and I, of course saw my pcp, she said it was probably a fluctuation in harmones, and because my ankles were swollen she put me on a diuretic, for a few days, Hygroten Rx. My monthly friend has finally returned and the weightloss has picked up :0) It probably wouldnt hurt to see your pcp and get it checked out. I hope this helps :0)
   — wizz46

October 18, 2003
Something is causing you to retain fluid and that is probably the cause of the weight gain. You might want to limit your salt intake for a while and talk wtih your doctor.
   — Patty_Butler

October 18, 2003
Original poster here: Thank you all so very much for your feedback and ideas...first off...NO!!! Not pregnant..hehe, but I do like salt.. I will take each one's suggestions to heart, cut down on salt and push the water and see what happens for the next couple of days....and if things don't change, I will call my Dr. As for the "monthly visitor", I'm happy just the way it is!!! lol Like not having to go through it..and besides, I just turned 45 so maybe it won't come around anymore. This surgery shifts our hormones a bit, so maybe the "monthly guest" has been shifted right out of it's comfort zone! heheheheheh Anyway, thank you all so much for the feedback.. you are all awesome people!!!! Love & Light, Lisa
   — medium

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