2.5 months post gastric bypass, I am unable to go past soft/puree/pudding consistency

I chew 40 times, about total 1-2 oz food(only protein) per meal. Still always throw up, feels like a plug mid sternum/chest. Any support and advice would be welcome.    — Randi43 (posted on December 3, 2007)

December 3, 2007
I remember those days! They were horrible!!! Try taking a gas X with Malox. If that does not help, I would call your Dr.
   — Carlyn M.

December 3, 2007
Hope you've checked with your doctor. It could be a partial obstruction that's causing your problem.
   — Dave Chambers

December 3, 2007
I'm only 6 weeks out but feeling the very same thing. I was looking for some positive answers to your question.
   — cookie045

December 3, 2007
I just wanted to say I experienced difficulty with even liquids and what it turned out to be was excessive scar tissue. If you are a person who forms scar tissue easily this might be your problem. I am not trying to scare you but, spare you what happened with me. I had a difficult time from Day 1. It is now 7months out since my surgery and I have had 4 endoscopies with dilataions, I had 2 lap exploratories, my gall bladder quit and had that had to come out and a revision of the anastomosis. When the link between the proximal and distal anastomisis completely closed I was left with no choice but to have a feeding tube inserted because I dehyrated so many times and now was malnourished and in a state of starvation. I am not saying that this is your problem my surgeon has never experienced this problem before and he felt if all those proceedures were not done it could have spared me all of this, but they didn't know. Everyone has scarring after surgery and it might just take some additional time to soften up. Call your surgeon and let him decide. It might be you need to have the anastomosis dilated. Hope this helps. Pat
   — pdplpn

December 3, 2007
2 mos out with an MGB and I have the same problem. Paid cash for my surgery and bet my life that there wouldn't be complications. I have no insurance and no more money, so I guess I'll either live with what's wrong or I won't. Not intending to be morose; just accepting and relaying the reality.
   — Tom Y.

December 3, 2007
i could be wrong, but it sounds to me like you need to call your surgeon, because something isn't right. it could be a number of things, and you need some tests to see what is going on, because you should be able to tolerate more than puree stuff at this point. good luck and i hope it's nothing serious, but get it checked out.
   — RNlvnCARSON

December 3, 2007
I had the same problem. Friday I had a procedure to open up the outlet to my stomach. It was opened from a 9cm to 12cm. At least that is what I think. Today is the day of truth I can try to eat something. I am a bit afraid but I will try. I have to start on my phase 3 diet and not phase 4 where I should be at this time. CALL YOU DOCTOR I know the pain. Good luck
   — Joyce T.

December 4, 2007
Hi! I am over a year out from rny. I still today have times when things get stuck and I end up throwing up. It doesn't happen too often anymore, but probably once a month or so. I had to chew at least 40 times and while chewing I put my fork/spoon down. I waited for a minute or so after chewing and swallowing as well. If it continues, you should probably contact your surgeon. I used to think it was a problem with the opening to my stomach also. But it turns out I was just eating too fast. Also make sure your protein is not too dry. This will cause it to get stuck too. Add some kind of liquid - like mayo to tuna, salad dressing works sometimes too.
   — waferqueen

December 4, 2007
Sounds like a stricture. Call the doc. I had one EGD (scope with dilation) and went from an opening the size of a tictac back to a little larger than an mnm. So far...knock on wood...I have been great ever since. Mine was at 4 weeks. I am now 10 wks out. Good luck.
   — stacyface

December 4, 2007
Hi Randi, thanks for writing. You should be able to chew small bites of food and not have it come back up. If your bites are small, as I suspect they are, then you may have a swollen or too small "stoma". The stoma, if you do not know, is the opening from the stomach to the intestines or the "next step" after the stomach. If foods get lodged in there, you will not feel comfortable until you vomit it back up. I am 3.5 years out and still have that issue if something gets stuck, but for me, it would be a larger piece of food, as I rarely throw up. You should check with your surgeon and probably let them "scope" the area. If it is just swollen, then sticking with liquids for a few weeks can solve the issue, if it is too small, then they need to stretch it and give you a little more space. If you can swallow liquids, I would try the liquid and pudding consistency for a few weeks, and then try chewing again. If it still happens 2 or 3 weeks post pudding, then you definitely need to be seen and evaluated by your surgeon. You can check with them right away, but if you want to wait, try the other option first. If you ever get to where liquids do not stay down or pudding consistency, please call your surgeon right away, every one needs fluids, so be careful there. Take care and hope this helps. Patricia P.
   — Patricia P

December 5, 2007
my mom is 4 yrs out in march and she still has problems with throwing up even when she chews forever. She does take something for gas and sometimes it relieves the problem. Sometimes if you drink water as warm as you can stand, that will help the problem. If it continues, like my mom's, call your doctor right away. She has had 2 blockages that the doctor had to take care of.
   — kankan

December 5, 2007
Hi, My name is Ava. I have gastric bypass in July of this year. I have lost 110 lbs. But, I lost the first few months dur to the fact that I had to have surgery the next day due to blood clots that developed inthe stomach that he left, it broke through the stitches and bled out into my pelvic area. He had to remove the rest of my stomach. I was in ICU for 10 days, on a respirator for 3 days and recieved 6 pints of blood. I came home with several drainage tubes. Now to get to the part that you were concerned about, even though I had a hard time eating for along time, even after 5 months, I still have a hard time eating alot of things. I can't eat meat, fried foods, bread, etc.. Some things I eat and they just come right back up. The doctor told me that it "can be" normal to vomit or feel nauseated for up to six months, mine has gotten better, so hopefully yours will too. It seems as though everthing with this takes time, it is definately a life changing procedure!! Good Luck!! God Bless!!
   — avastrole

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