what should i take before the sugery?to prevent hairloss?what the best vitamin?

me &my hubsand are doing the surgery worried about hairloss because my already thin,he not!he has none    — tle789456 (posted on December 19, 2007)

December 19, 2007
Get some Biotin. It's a vitamin, that most multi vitamins have minimal amounts of it. You can get it at almost any drug store or online. My surgeon recommends it to women who worry about hair loss. There are also some shampoos that may help. But start taking Biotin (more than the RDA) now and continue 3-4 months past surgery date.
   — Dave Chambers

December 19, 2007
Biotin is best and can be bought at walmart where it is probably the cheapest. Start taking it now.
   — crystalsno

December 19, 2007
Biotin and load up on protein!
   — EmtEeyore

December 19, 2007
there is no vitamin that will help with weightloss -- some people use biotin but there is no scientific proof to back it up --getting in your required amounts of protein is the only sure way to help with hair loss prevention -- hair is made up of protein -- i had surgery 13 months ago and never had a problem with hairloss -- i keep up with my protein, vitamins and water intake -- and remember that everyone is different -- good luck to you and your husband -- both my husband and i had the surgery also :)
   — RCassety

December 19, 2007
i started taking biotin and silica prior to my surgery, because due to my PCOS my hair was already thinning. i am almost 3 mo postop and the hair loss has slowed from preop, but they say you really won't start to loose hair until like 3-5 mo postop from the surgery. so you pray for me and i'll pray for you. good luck and i hope this helps...Holly
   — RNlvnCARSON

December 22, 2007
Well---I started taking full vitamins and lotsa biotin before surgery and have never missed my supplements a single time since. I am 5 months out (RNY) and I cannot believe how much hair I have lost and still appear to have some on my head! I have always gotten in all protein and other requirements. But I know it will come back and that I wouldn't trade getting my thighs back for not going through this thin period. Also I have permed my hair kinda long and frizzy and no one can tell what I have lost. I too thought I could prevent the loss but.. I do not think you can.
   — Christine M.

December 23, 2007
Biotin 5000. It is sold at Walgreens or any other drug store. It is not expensive, and you can take it twice a day. It worked VERY well for me.
   — vkmays

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