
I had the lapband almost a year ago,I dont have lots of restriction yet,I have been drinking coffee the last 2-3 months do you think that makes you crave and eat bad things like cookies,candy etc.    — Sandy Hanson (posted on March 7, 2008)

March 7, 2008
I do not know if it makes you crave cookies, candy, ect. however, caffeine does makes you hungry. Also, did you drink lots of coffee before lap band? Sometimes it is enviroment and comfort. When I quit smoking, I avoided my front porch. I associated sitting on my porch swing, with smoking. It works the same way with food.
   — mary_rn

March 7, 2008
Coffee is so bad do not drink it. It is a stimulant to make you hungry you will eat. Drink decaffe if you must
   — tl_morgan

March 7, 2008
Could be that you've let your guard down and are now letting old habits in???
   — bariatricdivalatina

March 7, 2008
I did not drink coffee before lapband,but I drink it for some energy.
   — Sandy Hanson

March 7, 2008
I was a pre-op coffee drinker and added it back into my diet at 8 weeks out. I find I am LESS hungry when I drink regular coffee in the morning. I make sure to add extra water because coffee does dehydrate you. On the weekends I can drink a pot a day and during the week about 5 cups.
   — Shatcher

March 7, 2008
I only have one cup of decaff every 3-4 days as it does make me hungury about one hour later. I used to drink coffee all day, so it was hard to kick, and if I started to snack, I would just give it up again.
   — William (Bill) wmil

March 8, 2008
Eating or drinking too much of ANYTHING (including coffee, candy, cookies ...) is generally bad for anyone, also including of course those who have NOT had bariatric surgery. For me, bariatric surgery (RNY in my case) has been a doorway back to moderation. Restrictive diets never produced long term weight loss results for me. I have found that I am now able to consume ALL the things I used to like before surgery -- YES, including coffee, candy, and cookies. For things that I like to be sweet (like my coffee), I try to use Splenda or select store bought items made with Splenda if available. In this cruel, cruel world though, there is no way of totally eliminating things from one's diet that contain that dreaded SUGAR. I too crave sweet things but if the sugar content is too high, or if I go overboard and eat TOO MUCH, I pay the price with an episode of the dumping syndrome. This does not happen often but it DOES happen because, being a fallible human being, I occasionally 'jump the track'. Anyway, I am now (after RNY) able once again to truly ENJOY the food I eat. There is, however, NO JOY in dumping. It is said that half the joy of having something is having wanted it. But there is little joy in wanting something, knowing that you are NEVER going to have it. So, I look forward with joy to my coffee (and occasionally something sweet to dunk into it too) but try not to destroy the joy af having it by going overboard. I've never dumped with coffee but I know that, as with other things that can and do produce dumping, *moderation* is the key to real enjoyment. And moderation in eating produces (GUESS WHAT?) *weight reduction* and, after you've reached your weight goal, *LONG TERM weight maintenance*. Bottom line: Enjoy your coffee -- look forward to having it and then have it, but not too much!
   — [Deactivated Member]

March 8, 2008
I assume most of the people who responded are NOT coffee drinkers. I gave up everything except for coffee. I thought lapband was also about moderation & not giving up everything you enjoy! I now have only one cup in the am before I leave for work. (I had cut down from 3-4). When I get to work I eat my breakfast. I don't think it makes me eat more....Enjoy your coffee, just don't overdo it!
   — Linda R.

March 8, 2008
Like everything else, coffee got a bad name because of those few it bothers. Do some is NOT bad for you unless you have anxiety problems, drink too much and develope anxiety problems, or have high blood pressure as caffeine can raise your rate. (And probably a few others) It's not different than soda except without the high sodium, carbonation that stretches your pouch or sugar content..AND it's an antioxidant! (Doesn't sound too bad considering how many people drink a ton of soda daily) The only thing you absolutely should NOT do with coffee is iron supplements as coffee and Iron are enemies! Moderation is the key to anything you think is not a healthy choice, but enjoy.
   — .Anita R.

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