sensitive tongue

Alright, boys and girls, I have a strange malady that I can not find information on. I have a very sensitive tongue. It will burn like I have eaten a hot pepper whenever I eat something with salt in it. It is not surgery related, as I have had this for about 4 years now. My doctor thought it was "glossy tongue" and treated it as such, no improvement. He then thought it was low iron, treated it as such and no improvement. I am just wondering if anyone else has dealt with this. It has moments where it is more sensitive than others. Any suggestions?    — Debbi S. (posted on May 14, 2008)

May 14, 2008
I would probably see a Ears, Nose and Throat Doctor or an Oral Doctor. Check this website out for information.
   — tayee24

May 14, 2008
Debbi, I have the same problem. Mine flairs up if I eat anything acidy, like some fruits, anything with lemon/lime, and salty things. Mine turns out to be an indicator of when my digestive system is out of whack. I don't acid reflux, instead, my tongue gets irritated or gets sensative to certain foods. Try talking with a gastroenterologist, thats my advice to you from one who has been there. Good luck! Be interested to find out what you find out, keep me posted.
   — Jeanne Aldrich

May 14, 2008
I have no idea if this comment will help or not but my mother has something called "burning mouth syndrome". Her symptoms are kind of similar to yours. Maybe you could google it and see if it is anything like what you are having? But I agree with the other posters that you should see an ENT doctor. Good luck! Kim
   — GlitterGal

May 14, 2008
We all seem to have something different to add ;-) I had this problem BEFORE my RNY on 4/3/08. If affected my tounge only and I never knew food wise if something in particular set it off. But any toothpaste with mint in it would set me on fire. I had had this for about 9 years. I never talked to the dr about it as I had so many other serious problems. Since my RNY I have not had a problem so it makes me wonder if it a problem related to my old stomach. Hope yours improves or goes away as I know haw aggravating it can be!
   — Gena L.

May 14, 2008
my wife has this we don't know what it is. When she eats something salty like nuts or things like that her tongue gets to burning and swells a little. It almost looks like it will crack open. She gargles with mouthwash and brushes her tongue to get it off. It seems to help but we don't know what it is. If you find out post it so that we may know where to get help too. I wish you luck and great health.
   — JohnK334

May 14, 2008
Definately see an ENT about it. Do you use a lot of antibiotics? Could it be thrush? Is there a white coating on your tongue? Try yogurt every day or probiotics until you see the ENT. Good Luck.
   — pattyann

May 15, 2008
Do you have any white patches or white/creamy stuff that gathers at the corners of your mouth or between your cheeks and gums overnight? Do you have redness and cracks at the corners of your mouth? Do you have dry mouth? Try googling/yahooing "thrush" and see if the symptoms sound familiar. You might want to schedule a trip to the dentist... he spends a lot more time looking at tongues than your PCP or pretty much any other doctor you'll see. My tongue gets irritated when I eat too much sweet/candy as well as salt. Ouch. Good luck!
   — mrsidknee

May 16, 2008
Thanks for everyone's replies. I appreciate it. I have been to a dentist and he was perplexed, really couldn't identify it. There is no coating on the front half of my tongue whatsoever. It started when I had Bell's Palsy and my doctor put me on high doses of prednisone. My dentist and doctor don't think the palsy or prednisone caused the problem, but that is all I remember that was different (about 3 years ago). I am very prone to canker sores when I use tartar control toothpaste, and I have had thrush before, but this is so strange. Today I wasn't bothered by it at all. It is hell getting older. Thanks again! Deb
   — Debbi S.

May 27, 2008
I have the same thing. I am trying to see eliminating some things and then adding them back . My doc also thought it was iron,no. I am thinking it may be B12....but the past week I have been on high protein diet and it seems to have disappaeared. I have no clue why or how it would affect my tongue..all I know is its gone. its very annoying when you have it. Ive been to Dr and dentist and they have no clue.perhaps a food allergy..just my luck it would be carbs!!! its worth a try tho...good luck
   — mcall

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