Does anyone know how to hide my profile from people outside of OH from seeing it?

I feel violated - someone who I did not want to know about my RNY did a search at Yahoo People Search and found out about my whole life that I posted on OH. I tried to change my profile so that only my friends could see it. Then I tried the same search that this person did, and sure enough, I could still go directly to my posted information. I am too afraid to post anything else now because of this. This person knows too much now and is telling everybody about everything he saw on my site. Anyone know how to put a block so someone from the outside can't find my postings???    — C P. (posted on June 1, 2008)

June 1, 2008
You should be able to make your profile page "private" so that only people on your friends list can view it. I've treid to look up some profiles on a few people that have posted on OH, only to find out that there is a notice there that the information is private. You can also contact OH to help you, if you're unable to figure it out. Dave
   — Dave Chambers

June 1, 2008
WOW, Who would of thaught that anyone can get our info. I don't have a problem with anyone reading my story. This would be great to know though. I wouldn't worry about this Guy sounds like he has no life. Be strong Maybe contact OH I have about something else they get right back to ya.
   — Tammi Sandoval

June 1, 2008
Thank you guys soooo much - I will contact OH. I just felt so bad having this person seeing all my info. I got an email from him this morning saying, "DON'T BE EMBARRASSED! We all gain weight at some time, but only a few of us REALLY need to do something about it. You must have gotten very big since the last time I saw you." This really made me feel low. So thanks for your encouragement. I need it right now.
   — C P.

June 1, 2008
You can go to "MY OH" and change your register name...This way your last name doesn't show up...or...You can delete your entire profile and start all over by registering under a different screen name completely...Then using cutsie names rather than real names or no screen names that everyone knows. And no pictures...But if you are that determined not to be found out by anyone....the only real way is to not post anymore and get rid of your OH membership. If you signed a picture release for before and after are outta luck, unless you beg maybe...But...if I were you, I'd find a way to just be proud of yourself and what you've done to better your life, health and happiness and don't worry about what people doing that, you take power away from the person who thinks he has a sharper edge over you. He'll stop when he realizes noone cares, especially you... Looks like you hid your profile already because I went to look (See, you make people more curious when you fuss! LOL) I couldn't find it. It's kinda scary what people can find on you on the internet. My daddy used to tell me (before computer age) "never put on paper what you never want anyone to ever find out"....well this applies more now to the Web than it ever did on paper... Good luck
   — .Anita R.

June 1, 2008
I had the same problem... so instead of using my "real name" in my profile... i used a nickname that I tell only my close friends or those online that I want to see my info on. Just go into you profile to do this.
   — winniepooh2

June 1, 2008
I didn't know that that could happen and I know there is always someone trying to ruin something good for someone. He probably has NO LIFE because of the things he does to other people and you are not the only one, so in turn everyone knows how low he can get. Sorry that this has happened to you but be proud of everything you have done and see if you can get it private...
   — dyates2948

June 1, 2008
Hi there, It seems as though everyone else pointed you on your way about the privacy issue. However, I want you to know that you should not let anyone make you feel guilty or a coward about the decisions you've made. Most of us felt as if we didn't have any other option so we made our choice and we are dealing with the consequences every day good or bad. Do get caught up into what they think about anything going on in your life. You're beautiful. You're amazing. You want to make youself healthier and happier and isn't that what most people are trying to do. You take one day at a time! I do understand wanting your privacy protected, up until almost my 2 year post op mark I didn't volunteer any info about how I lost weight unless asked by someone who I knew was sincere. However, my gf who had it also has only told her close family and no one else. Please don't let these outsiders make you doubt yourself or make you question your action. You're a strong person ( I know it--only strong people have the courage to have the surgery and follow up with a support network after) and you'll get through this. Blessings always-Samaria
   — Ambitious

June 1, 2008
the bottom line is stop caring what other people think or say. who cares. the rny is ther biggest blessing in your life, a gist my surgery was 2/26 and i have lost about 90 ponds i feel great and so happy. all this is about you. your special. there is nothing to be ashamed of. he is a moron. why should what he thinks matter to you. it's your life and your the one who is living it. go girlfriend!!!!. my husband died due to severe obesity in september. it was to late. i am sure he is very happy for my success, don't care about what people think or say. some people have very narrow minds and are very jealous. bow him off. and get ready for a great life love bridget
   — shadia616

June 2, 2008
SO funny, I just had the same experience - it's the first thing that shows up on Google for me now. And I've been torn - do I let all my ex-boyfriends and high school classmates know that I got really fat and had a bunch of co-morbid illnesses, and then had surgery for it...or do I say, to myself and others, this is who I am, and I'm not ashamed of ANY part of who I am, because I am special and loved. It shouldn't be a toss-up, but sure, I'm having pride issues around it. Haven't done anything yet because I'm still thinking about it. :)
   — crydecker

June 2, 2008
C - this charming acquaintance of yours sounds like a real prize, if I do say so myself. I'm a complete and absolute computer moron beyond "turn it on/turn it off/type/print", so I can't tell you how to "hide" your postings, but I can tell you that, over the years, I've learned that "what other people think of me is none of my business." I didn't always feel that way -- in the 43 years before my VBG in April 2000 I pretty much lived my life trying to be what everyone else thought I should be. I had to be the good daughter and the good wife and the good mother, and I stuffed my rage down with bags of Oreos and whole blocks of cheese. Finally, when I weighed close to 350 pounds, had high blood pressure, high cholestoral, Type II diabetes, and moderately severe sleep apnea, I said to myself, "Enough is enough and I'm going to live for myself now." Now, a VBG and a few years of therapy later, I feel the best I've ever felt in my life. If you like me, fine; if you don't like me, also fine, just stay out of my way and we'll all be happy. Don't let the creeps and the Negative Nellys get you down -- they're always going to be there, but we don't have to react to them. Best of luck as you continue your journey ....
   — Cheryl Denomy

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