Has anyone heard of the Akins Plus diet

   — Megan76 (posted on June 26, 2008)

June 26, 2008
Are you asking about the Atkins diet? I have not heard of an Atkins PLUS diet, but I can tell you that the original Atkins diet is tough! I was on it and didn't lose much.My boyfriend lost 20 lbs. I think any "diet" that wants you to restrict your fruits and veggies is not a great way to go. Plus, there are only so many things you can do/cook with meat, cheese and egg.
   — Scooby1980

June 26, 2008
I have Googled "Atkins Plus Diet" and could find nothing on it. There were plenty of references to the REGULAR Atkins diet, not all of them complimentary. My nutritionist tells me that you need a minimum amount of carbohydrates to MAXIMIZE your weight loss. if you do not consume the carbs, your body will rob ITSELF of PROTEIN instead of FAT. That minimum amount is DIFFERENT for each person, so you need to go to a nutritionist and have that calculated FOR YOURSELF. A short FEMALE is going to have different requirements than a TALL MALE. This is why using a diet created for someone else can lead to less than optimal results. Your best course of action would be to see a nutritionist and have him or her help you to plan out a diet that is customized just for you and is made to optimize YOUR weight loss.
   — hubarlow

June 27, 2008
The Atkins diet is mostly protien based. Our surgeon advises all his weigh loss patients to limit their diets to protiens. Carbohydrates are empty calories. Thre is so much you can eat this is protien, you pretty much do not even need carbs. Also fruit is very high in sugar therefore carbs. also.
   — Ira Sansolo

June 27, 2008
My husband and I have been eating the Atkin's Life style for over 10 years. I would probably weigh 350 pounds if it wasn't for not eating all the white stuff, carbs (sugar, flour, pasta, potatos, rice etc) all my favorite foods. But over the last 6 years all my blood work was always leaning on normal good results if I ate strict Atkins... would blow my doctors mind because I would eat 4 slices bacon and 2 eggs for breakfast every day NO BREAD OR POTATOS and very very low cards (under 30 grams daily) and my cholesterol would be around 150. I can't eat anything with aspertame, I break out with welts if I do, so eating this life style has been a life saver for me. I also don't crave sweets cause I stay away from them. Atkin's Diet has helped my husband maintain his weight and... I weigh 265 and am waiting on our new Bariatric Surgeon Dr. Roye to accept me as his patient and then he'll submit all my paper work and his to Aetna and I wait for appoval to cover my RNY. Once I am back to eating real food after my RNY, if my tool allows me I will still be eating Atkin's low card... lots of protien! I, like those above have not heard of the Atkin's Plus Diet. "Today it's called the Atkin's Nutritional Approach" Here's the link to them... Gerry
   — Gerry Smith

June 27, 2008
What most people forget is that Atkins had developed a lifetime weight maintenance plan that, although it still emphasized high protein and low carbs, encouraged people to eat lower carb fruits and vegetables. Atkins understood that many of us are so sensitive to blood sugar spikes that we needed to eat a diet low in high glycemic index foods.
   — SteveColarossi

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