I had RNY on 6/26 and very seldom having issues with constipation is this normal?

I was taking Biotin prior to surgery and wasn't having issues, should I start taking the Biotin again?    — * S. (posted on July 15, 2008)

July 15, 2008
Constipation is normal, but doesnt have to be, especially if you are not drinking enough. You may think you get in plenty of liquid, but constipation is a sure sign that you are not. Certainly that is not the only reason for constipation. Add some benefiber to your protien drinks or crystal Light, as you are probably not getting all the fiber you need either. Biotin should not have any affect on that. do keep taking it, you need for healthy hair, skin and nails.
   — dessary316

July 15, 2008
Biotin is great for hair and nails and skin...I personally take a B Complex for hair and skin...WHAT A far as constipation though...Magnesium is a GREAT regulator in that department! Calcium Citrate is famous for binding as well as all the vits and protein we add to our diets...Magnesium citrate totally takes care of that. (Just like milk of magnesia or MOM) Only taking a capsule is MUCH more tender on the system when taken daily....Many Calcium Citrate wafers have magnesium in it for htat purpose...but some of us need a little extra...It's fairly inexpensive...and just take with other vits!
   — .Anita R.

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