How to get your family to agree with your desicion

I am scheduled to have the gastric bypass surgery on Sept. 19 and some of my family is not supportive. However, my husband is but my family is arguing with about it. I am thinking about postponing my date. They are talking like the worse is going to happen and with any surgery I know there are complications.    — michelleislucky (posted on August 22, 2008)

August 22, 2008
If you're going to postpone, do it for YOUR OWN REASONS, not somebody else's. If you have concerns ask the professionals, the people at your practice. The fact that you qualify for this surgery means the risk to your life staying at the weight you are at is greater than having the surgery. Try that fact on your family. Seriously, there's risk in any surgery. If you postpone, what do you expect will happen in the time that you will wait for your next surgery date that hasn't happened already? Why not have your family speak with your doctor and pose their concerns, if it's enough that you are willing to put this off? If you're waiting for 100% approval from everyone in your life to do this, you're probably going to be waiting a long time, though. People are entitled to their opinions, but since this is your body and your illness (obesity is an illness) then isn't your opinion the one that counts? I wish you good luck in your search for the answers you need.
   — Shirley D.

August 22, 2008
I had the same think for a while from my Mother, but when she watched the 60 minute segment about WLS, she changed her mind. She was still a little apprehensive but she did support me and now loves the changes. Go to the station where 60 min is on (on the PC) and look up the WLS section and you can see the whole thing. They have to feel better after that. They think of losing you and what it would mean to your whole family. That is all that is on their minds. DO NOT delay your surgery. It is your body, your decision, your life. Blessings on you and your entire family. Pray. Lyn
   — SkinnyLynni2B

August 22, 2008
Monica, I would suggest that you first have a heart to heart talk with your husband and address the concerns you have about your family. Then, together, I would sit down with other family members and explaine to them that this is your decission and that your husband stands behind you 100% on it. Let them know that you are aware of the risks and complications and have discussed them with your doctor however, the benefits outweigh the risks and that is something you are willing to go through. If at that point they still can not be supportive, I would let them know that you love them, but can not at this point afford to have the mental stress right now and would appreciate it if they kept their opinions to themselves. You MUST do this only for yourself and no one else. It is a long and difficult road, but the benefits of the surgery will be more than you could hope for. Don't change your date and don't change your mind just because others don't agree with your decission. Stay true to yourself and if you are the one having the doubts, address them with your doctor 1st and if that doesn't relieve them, then consider a postponement. It is OK to be nervous. Everyone is, but trust yourself and your doctor. Best of Luck to you! Katherine
   — OnALooseLead

August 22, 2008
Monica It is your body and your health. I am sorry that your family is not in total agreement? If it is in the best interest of your health and longivity, then keep your surgery date. It will be the best decision that you can make. I have had some complications from my bypass surgery last month. I would do it over again. Jack RNY 7/14/08
   — jackgowen

August 22, 2008
Here is the ral issue. I had the same problem and there is only one what that you can win them over and that is to take them to a support meeting. That said they will not go. I tired and I decided I asked for their support and I did not have it so I had to move forward. Look at it this way. If you went to the emergency room today and they said you had to have your appendex out today or you would die before morning, you would not call for their approval, you just would do it. What is the difference here? You are still going to die early if you don't have the surgery, it just is not going to be by morning. The surgery is no more risk, but you have had the time to get a full medical checkup to make sure you are ready and able to have the surgery. You have set the date, and the surgery is no more dangerious or complicated than having your appenex out, so keep that date and move forward. One last thought. Have you been to an old folks home and notice there are no overweight people there? Did they just go on a diet to get in the place? No, of course not, they are all dead. Yes, you weight if left unchecked will shorten your life. You will most likely never see your grandchildren, et alown see them get married. Why are you listen to people that do not know what the medical facts are about what you are looking to do. What is your doctors record. I asked mine in an open meeting and he told me. Out of 6500 bariatric surgeries over the past 19 years, he has lost one patient and that was in 1997. I was 62 years old when I had my surgery and my cardoligest said that it was a big risk for me, but on the otherhand I would pass in 3-5 years without substantial weight loss. Pass what? Oh, I got it, die! If they are truley concerned about your health they will go to a support group meeting and a doctors lecture with you, otherwise, keep you planned date! Best of success to you.
   — William (Bill) wmil

August 22, 2008
There is no info on your profile to go on, so I have no idea what kind of surgery you are "thinking" about. But if yu are morbidly obese, and you have health problems, and have tried numberous diets, and failed. If your doctor thinks it is a good step for you to get healthy, if you understand the possiblility of complications, if you have studied this thing back and forth and decided this is the tool you need to get healthy, you should do it, regardless of what anyone thinks. If your husband is supportive, and he is willing to stand by you and he's the one you live with. I would disregard what anyone else thinks. Alot of people that know nothing about wls, asked me if I knew what I was doing. I am the one who read for years, studied, weighed out all the pros and cons, and made a decision based on that. I have lost 80 lbs, off all pre-op meds (Blood pressure meds) My only regret is that I didn't do it sooner when I was a little younger. So I could have enjoyed my youth in a healthy body. I've had some complications. I've suffered with constipation, I had to have my gall-bladder out on July 4th. I've Had some nausia from time to time. I Had to learn that my relationship with food has changed forever. I can't depend on it to get me thru anything emotional. But, I would do it all again in a heartbeat. But this is YOUR life. You have to decided what is best for you and your health. Make a decision based on how you feel, not anyone else. I hope I have helped you in some way! Good luck!
   — lesleigh07

August 22, 2008
I agree with what people have said so far. It is your decision and you and your husband need to make the best decision for you - regardless of what other's think. I was fortunate and my family was open to my decision. I think what helped is that I sent a letter to all of them and told them my decision. I attached the link to this website and the link to my doctor's website and told them that if they had questions to please feel free to ask me about them. The letter was phrased in a way that basically said "this is the decision that I've made, I've made it under very careful consideration, this is when I'm having it done, I'm excited about the new lease on life the surgery will give me, and I love you all". Then I made sure they knew how long I'd be in the hospital, who would be with me, and encouraged them to call those people to check on my status. I didn't really leave them room to try and talk me out of it or give me their opinions. I think that made a difference too because I think they heard my 'resolve' and knew that this was 'as good as done'. I don't know if that helps you or not. I hope it does. This is a life changing decision. A decision that YOU really need to make with the support of your husband. I know that it is hard not having family support, but ultimately you have to ask yourself whether its worth staying unhappy and unhealthy just because they are scared. I hope that you keep your surgery date and lean on this site and the support we can give you during your journey. Good luck with your decision. Keep us posted on how you're doing.
   — MandyR

August 22, 2008
are you doing this for you or for your family? You havr to get healthy. And if this is how to do it go for it. With anything there is a risk. Your family doesnt have to live with being over weight and all the co morbidiities every day. Dont postpone the best change in your life. You will be very sad if you do
   — Joanc

August 22, 2008
Sound like the "core" of your support group is in agreement with YOUR decision and that's what counts. You will have to make make many more decisions through your journey that they may not agree with. What does your inner voice say? This is what's most important because YOU will live with YOUR decisions. Best of luck to you as you begin your journey to your dream come true. Keep us posted.
   — bariatricdivalatina

August 22, 2008
I hope you don't postpone your wls date because of family support. I can tell you this, when I told some of my family members about the surgery the first words out of their mouth was "you are going to die" without any information about the wls or the doctor doing the surgery. They never considered how the surgery would help with getting me off the medications I was taking for poor health. I came to understand that surgery is a risk with complications, not just weight loss surgery. There are people having surgery of all kinds and have complications, so don't think the worse is going to happen because it is weight loss surgery. Pray about it, and than listen to your gut feelings. We are here for you. I was so scared when my wls date came, and this website helped me through every step of the way. God bless you in your decision.
   — Toby2

August 22, 2008
Have your family sit down and watch the following video; it is on CBS and is a segment from the TV show "60 Minutes" with host Leslie Stahl. Once they watch this 12 minute video, I believe they will see the tremendous benefits to your health and the improvement to your quality of life, and will therefore support your surgery. Please don't postpone your surgery; there are so many people who need it but don't have insurance coverage, or can't get approved; you've been blessed! Here is the link you can click on, or "copy & paste" the address to your browser.
   — Gina S.

August 22, 2008
You have to accept there may be some people in your family who will never agree with your decision to have this surgery. You have taken an important step to take care of yourself and this makes some people very uncomfortable. They are scared of the potential changed family dynamics and there will be changes. Your most important ally is your husband.
   — janpmck

August 22, 2008
While it is important to have your closest family member (i.e. spouse, parent, etc.) behind you, you are having this surgery for YOU and NOT for THEM!!!! And if your husband is supportive of you--THAT IS ALL THAT MATTERS, IN MY OPINION!!!! My mother has 5 sisters. 3 of them were for it and 2 were not. Now that I am 1+ years out, they see what it has done for me and are happy for me. I think they were uneducated and scared! Your family should always be supportive, even if they don't agree with what you are doing!!! I believe that those who are against it either have never been heavy and do not know what obese people go through, or they are UNEDUCATED in WLS or they are SCARED FOR YOU! The last two of the three are easily remedied; however, if it is a non-obese person who is unsupportive, then they clearly do not understand what you and millions of others like you, are going through! Try to keep things in perspective and stick with those who support you! Either the rest will jump on your band wagon, or they won't...that is up to them! You can't change everyone--just concentrate on yourself and the good you will be doing for yourself!
   — ALafferty

August 22, 2008
WLS is a huge decision. It's personal and it's yours. They don't live in your body, have or raise your children, decide where you live, do your grocery shopping and laundry, or scrub your toilets...They don't come over and tell you what clothes to wear , what house to buy or where you can live...They don't go to work with you or pick your why would you allow them to come in between you and a huge PERSONAL decision? Maybe they think that if they protest long enough, it gives you a way out to change your mind...Keep firm with your WISHES and DREAMS and live YOUR life the way YOU want to. When all is said and done, they will still love you...Thick or thin....
   — .Anita R.

August 22, 2008
don't not have the surgery or post pone it. because of your family or friends who dont agree. it you want to do this get -er-done. it is the best thing i could have done for my self. do what the dr's tell you. and don't worry about the surgery you will be fine. and very blessed might i say. your in good hands.
   — shadia616

August 22, 2008
hi my family was not supported of me neither back in 2002.what mad matters worse my granddaughter was 3 months old at the time so of course my son was laying the guilt trip on me that she needs me.dont do it.and my sister was so dead set against it.well i went ahead and had it sister who was so against it saw how my weight was falling off went and had hers done im 130 lbs lighter and wearing a size 4-6. the beginning i was really sick,but now im fine.good luck and god bless.
   — deb44m

August 22, 2008
fear of the unknown -- fear of only hearing the bad stories -- education is key to any surgery -- there are risks when you go in for childbirth, yet most people only talk about the perfect births and not the bad ones -- this is YOUR choice and YOUR choice only -- you are the one who has to live with yourself in 5, 10 25 years -- do what YOU want to do -- good luck :)
   — RCassety

August 23, 2008
Monica- Please remember that you are doing this for yourself first and foremost!!! I had alot of negatitivity from alot, including my best friend who would cry and plead with me not to do this. I told them that I would not tolerate anything negative and that if they won't support me I don't want them to be part of it. You have to be strong and do what YOU feel you must. I am about 3 and a half years out. Had RNY open gastric bypass, abdomoplasty (which had MANY complications), I have had 5 hernias in 2 years(I unload trucks for a living, not a good thing after bypass), and went in to had my upper abs repaired after complications from the prior surgery. I can tell you after all that IT IS STILL THE BEST DECISION I EVER MADE, but everyone is induividual, so do what's best for you. Also, watch for people after surgery, I had many turn on me, why I don't know...I'm happier than I've ever been and most important...I feel GREAT! If you are interested in my profile on OH go to: or conact me if you'd like on my personal email: [email protected] Best of Luck!!! Lisa
   — Lisa Michelle

August 23, 2008
You can't force anyone to agree with your decision. The best thing you can do is to tell them that you didn't come to this decision lightly, that obesity is a terminal illness in that it or it's co-morbidities will kill you and you have an addiction. You can always lose the weight, but you can't keep it off for life and that is what you want. Tell them you have made up your mind and would appreciate their loving and unconditional support. I would also remind them that in going in to major surgery, it is much better to do so with a positive frame of mind and with your family and friends around you. If you have partial support or even in fighting in your family, this does not help you in any way. If they love you, they should eventually support you. This addiction is as bad as alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, etc. Dawn Vickers, RN, BLC, CLC
   — DawnVic

August 25, 2008
I am also awaiting surgery and have made the choice to be around positive people. There are family members who do not agree so for the time being I have little to do with them. I am doing this surgery for my own reasons and will not let the others get in my way. Until the non supportive people can understand what I need to do to have my life back they can just stay away. I have found that if I talk to them one on one about why I am doing this they usually come around. Stay strong.
   — ntssmith

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