sleeping pills

what is a good sleeping pill? i am not sleeping well and i dont know what kind is good. thanks toni    — toni (posted on March 27, 2009)

March 27, 2009
My doctor told me anything over the counter. I use tylenol pm. he said unisom, tylenol pm, sleepeze... no ibuprofen though.....i too have trouble sleepign since my surgery, not sure why
   — tiggerscop

March 27, 2009
I'm on ambien (regular not CR). I had the VSG. I don't get feelings of hunger, so it's not a problem. Before I had surgery, this medication caused me to sleep eat but since surgery no problems.
   — Corina C

March 27, 2009
I just use benadryl.
   — tonitoot

March 27, 2009
I use a generic childrens liquid benedryl that I buy at Walmart and it works really well.
   — DEBI R.

March 27, 2009
I take amytriptaline 25 mg at bedtime, works like a charm and is smaller than an m and m so i can swallow it. Good luck, when you cant sleep it can really take over your life. Louise
   — sassy1696

March 27, 2009
Have you tried melatonin? It's over the counter and inexpensive. It's found in the vitamin section of your pharmacy. It's all natural and trust me, it really does work. My son takes it every night. My father is on ambien and supplements it with melatonin. I tried it once and it put me right to sleep. Good luck!
   — [Deactivated Member]

March 28, 2009
There is an herb the name escapes me now, but go to a health food store and they can tell you what it is. I have used that in the past, but now my doctor has given me Lunesta 2mg and it is awesome,,good luck
   — sblady329

March 28, 2009
I used Ambien for two weeks in a recent trip to Africa to bring home our two youngest children. I was able to get a solid 6 hours of sleep each night (there were a lot of dogs barking, other guests coming all hours of the night, etc). It's a small pill and works very quickly. I also have heard very good things about melatonin and think it's probably the safest for us RNY patients. PS: I had my surgery Oct. 15, 20009.
   — spicymama

March 28, 2009
Another recommendation for melatonin. My children and Mother-in-law are on melatonin and it really works.
   — millie55

March 28, 2009
My doctor said to use Melatonin it is what your brain naturally produces, so it is not habit forming and it works really well. You may need to up the dose if the smallest dose dosen't do the job. But start off in a lower dose
   — pam74

March 28, 2009
I used to use Benedryl, but I would wake up after 4 hours. I started using Ambien generic, and I wake up after 7-8 hours and feel great. I always felt groggy with the Benedryl. Ambien has saved my life! I would suggest that you take it and be in bed within 2 minutes, it works fast!
   — Debbi S.

March 28, 2009
One more vote for maletonin. It's the main ingrediant in the product Midnight. You can take it any time during the night. Works great. We get it at Walmart.These can be chewed if needed.
   — robinjyoung

March 29, 2009
Oh boy can I relate. I have had a 10 year history of chronic insomnia along with obstructive sleep apnea and working nights for many years so sleep (or lack of it) is a HUGE issue for me. Even with my weight loss, I still need my CPAP and most likely always will as I have huge tonsils and uvula and a small airway so I need to be carefull what I take and don't self medicate in anyway. Do you have this as one of your co-morbids? There are a lot of things that I could recommend, however, I would refer to your physician for this one as there are so many options available based on what current health problems you have. Some herbal remedies are good, but not with certain prescription meds. Some prescription meds are good, but not with obstructive sleep apnea and so on. Needless to say over the years, I have tried many different things. Right now, I am taking Restoril 15 mg every night which is a sedative/hypnotic and I use a progressive relaxation CD when I turn the lights out. Take the TV out of your room and don't read in bed as well. You need to train yourself that your bed is for sleep and sex only- not for entertainment. Try to go to bed at the same time every night as well. Call your doc and check it out asap as lack of sleep is nothing to balk at. Best of luck. Dawn Vickers, RN, BLC, CLC
   — DawnVic

March 29, 2009
tylenol pm is the works wonders.
   — Nicole Wilson

March 30, 2009
Talk to your doctor, he is the one that knows your medical history and your surgical status. Also whether this is a short term problem or a long term issue that might need to be looked at more thoroughly.
   — brindledanes

March 30, 2009
I take Ambien...It works GREAT !!!
   — deannhuss

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