Addicted to coffee

How do you stop the addiction to coffee? I can drink a pot of coffee by myself a day, the worst part is I also have to have vanilla creamer in it. Thanks    — Omee_2009 (posted on June 22, 2009)

June 22, 2009
I like to drink coffee also. I'm not addicted but it helps to control my hunger. I like te feeling from sipping something hot. I like using the fat free vanilla creamer but the calories can really add up if you are not careful. Try to ease into a little FF creamer with mostly skim milk. Hold the sugar of course. Good luck.
   — Cookie1257

June 22, 2009
Two of my closest friends are also "addicts". What they have done is one of them now drinks a lot of the caffeine free lemon zinger tea, and they also mix de-caf with regular coffee when they brew it to cut down on the caffeine. You still get that warmy sippy feeling, but it helps cut down the caffeine. I hope this helps.
   — katiecakes

June 22, 2009
Hi, I use..SYNTHA-6...Mochaccino. I buy my protein drinks at GNC and was complaining abut the lack of very wonderful sales person gave me a sample and WOW it is/was good. I mix in HOT water and drink..besides making coffee sub for me it gives me MORE protein I need. If you have a GNC close..see if the have samples of the diff products. Mine here in Florida lets you sample most of the protein drinks as they have them made up daily. Good luck and hope you find something good for you.
   — tootsie52

June 22, 2009
I am a coffee drinker and it has never effected my weight loss. I have two cups every morning. I don't take my supplements with it as it can mess with absorbtion. But that is me.
   — lesleigh07

June 22, 2009
I drink coffee every day now too, which is really funny because I would not drink anything hot prior to surgery. I use the sugar free creamer, as I cannot tolerate sugar. I find that it helps me and have not realized a downside yet. I guess this is my replacement addiction for Coke. Thanks for posting this question, as I am interested in reading all the responses.
   — Kelly P.

June 23, 2009
I too was addicted to coffee and I quit three weeks prior to surgery. It took me two weeks to feel like myself again. There is no benefit from drinking coffee and if I am going to committ to change my life, I decided I want to do it right this time. Decaf isn't awful if you truly like the taste. Also try replacing your creamer with lite vanilla soy milk.
   — Patti ATX

June 23, 2009
Coffee has MANY benefits that FAR outweight any bad that occurs in a handful of people...Coffee being bad for us is a MYTH! And if fact scientists are going so far as to call it a HEALTH FOOD! LONG term studies have been done at Harvard U. as well as others..."At least six studies indicate that people who drink coffee on a regular basis are up to 80% less likely to develop Parkinson's, with three showing the more they drink, the lower the risk. Other research shows that compared to not drinking coffee, at least two cups daily can translate to a 25% reduced risk of colon cancer, an 80% drop in liver cirrhosis risk, and nearly half the risk of gallstones. " "There's also some evidence that coffee may help manage asthma and even control attacks when medication is unavailable, stop a headache, boost mood, and even prevent cavities. " Read more here: ( and here: ( As for keeping coffee less fattening or sugar free....I use soymilk creamer (By Silk) for milk and stevia when I just want a cup of Joe...But every morning I use very warm (but not boiling hot) coffee with EAS protein powder and a few sprinkles of organic cinnamon(helps manage blood sugars and reduce belly fat)Then I whip it with a hand blender and give it a nice foamy top like a latte! YUM! Studies actually show that coffee in the HIGH doses is where the benefits truly begin to show...But I worry about calcium loss in urine and so I keep my coffee and/or caffeine intake to 3-4 cups a day to be safe...Coffee is a regular staple in my diet and I have no intention of giving up my cup or two or my homemade Green iced teas daily! The bad stuff in coffee/caffeine is the creamers and fattening additions we add to the drink, so find a way to change those to fat and sugar free! AND ENJOY! I do!
   — .Anita R.

June 23, 2009
i drink coffee too-- what you can do is add some unsweetened almond milk (it is 40 calories for 8 oz-- so one oz is only 5 calories--it comes in vanilla as well!!!) and splenda coffee flavoring (i think they come in cinnamon and hazelnut). so you end up with a nice coffee drink that only has 5 calories. and i agree-- if you want to cut down on a little bit of the caffeine use half decaf and half regular. good luck!
   — greenpunchbuggie

June 25, 2009
I was warned to avoid caffeine when I take my vitamins etc as it affects absorption, but told to also try to switch to half caff or decaf if I could. Also, try the sugar-free vanilla syrups (like they use at Starbucks), a good replacement with some low-fat creamer.
   — Celia B.

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