pain in the top middle of stomach under my chest???

Iam 4 weeks post op. Pain is a 10 on the scale. Most pain ive had so far    — achambers (posted on June 4, 2011)

June 4, 2011
If I was in that much pain, I would be in the ER. It sounds very serious! I'm about 12 weeks out and have had pain, but nothing like that. Did you eat something that you may not have been ready for? If so, only time can fix that as far as I know. If you didn't eat or drink something that caused that I suggest the hospital. Good luck!
   — [Deactivated Member]

June 4, 2011
It sounds like the pain that would be from eating or drinking too fast. That can be very painful. You have to go very slow or it will really hurt a lot. < Carol >
   — Carol Giusto

June 4, 2011
If your pain is a 10 on a scale of 1 to 10, you should be calling your surgeon or going to the ER or BOTH.
   — Lisaizme

June 4, 2011
I agree with the others, go to the ER!
   — SPIRIT2002

June 4, 2011
Hello, I am 4 months post 4 weeks post op you SHOULD ONLY BE INTAKING LIQUIDS AND LIQUIDS ALONE, NOT ANY KIND OF FOODS YET...if ur nutritionist has u on some soft foods, and they dont agree with you, GO BACK TO LIQUIDS for a few days and then try again....write EVERITHING DOWN....AND LET THEM KNOW HOW UR DOING......remember you're still takes 3 to 4 months to fully heal from the should be sipping everything slowly....very slowly.....have you called your surgeon and told him of this pain? I wa one of the unlucky peaople that suffered from massive pain I COULD NOT WALK OR MOVE WITHOUT ASSISTANCE and was sent home from the hospital with liquid morphene....after that about 4 weeks post op I could not keep anything down NOTHING the pain was as you described it and I became so dehydrated that I almost died I had to be rushed into the ER AND WAS ADMITED they ran all sorts of test hydradeted me for two days and sent me home, I went to see my surgeon and he had them run more test they found I had a bloqueage. I had an angiogram and this was ur dr with absolutely everything and anything that you have a question to, or concern....dont pick anything up, move anything and be very careful remember u r still healing and u dont want to dislodge a staple in ur stomach....I hope this helps......
   — Jovanna P.

June 4, 2011
Hello, you aren't supposed to be drinking and eating period! When drinking fluids, you must wait 30 minutes before and after you eat. This is for the rest of your life, I have a friend that doesn't follow this and now she is gaining weight, I tell her and she poo poo's me. Plus, my friend drinks soda, that is another NO NO! We chose this operation so as far as I am concerned, I stay compliant. As far as the pain, I had a lot of pain too, my first year was pure HELL, I agree with the rest of the bloggers, see your DR.
   — FSUMom

June 4, 2011
It is probably like Carole said, from eating and drinking too fast. That will always happen and it is painful. If it doesn't occur after eating or drinking then I would go to the ER.
   — 4me2be

June 5, 2011
I hope you have heeded the advice given and are at the hospital. Best of luck that you get it taken care of quickly.
   — Ruthie D.

June 6, 2011
First you should call and talk to your doctor/nurse. they are your best resource. I did have some discomforting pain off and on early after operation. [lapband] I found sipping (slowly) something warm/hot, like tea, broth, Unjury instant chicken soup...relieved the pain and felt very comforting. Sip slowly, stay calm, think pleasant thoughts. When I finally got to 'soft' foods, warm things like, soupy grits also worked well. And remember to always drink lots, stay hydrated.
   — attedragon

June 7, 2011
CALL YOUR SURGEON!!!!I had the same pain and it turned out that I had Pacreatitis.
   — Lisa M.

June 8, 2011
This past March I had such pain as you described while waiting to see my family doc, that I had to leave and go home to lie down. My better half really sounded funny telling the receptionist that I had to leave because I was sick. The pain was a 10+ but like a dummy I didn't want to go to the ER. A week later I saw the doc because I had eaten pork and threw up an hour later with blood mixed in. To sum it up I ended up in the hospital for 4 days. I had an ulcer that had bled. Also my B12 was down. I now must take Nexium and B12 pills daily, plus go in monthly for B12 shots. Was dx'd with gastritis Had gastic done in November 2007, weight lost had been 120 but have gained 30 back tis past year. The candy is doing me in, plus a mt. dew now and then. I also am guilty of not exercising. I am honored to be blessed with having Parkinson's Disease (PD)for the last 13 years. I'm to eat protein for the weight loss but it causes an interference with my PD meds. I had the deep brain stimulation (DBS) surgery in 2005. It helped with my tremors. I know I'm to exercise to help with my PD but I make up every excuse to not to. I also have back and leg pain and take strong meds to help with the pains. I tried the tredmill and bike last week for 2 days, for a total of 15 minutes each day, but then quit. Does anyone have an idea to help me get my "rear in gear"?
   — milwshadow

June 11, 2011
Did you have a feeding tube for 4 weeks? I did and I had that same pain. Once the feeding tube was removed, the pain level did get better - but I was sore for an additional 3 weeks. That being said, what are you eating? If you have advanced to eating foods that are not considered "soft", that may be the problem. It may be that your stomach isn't ready for anything other than soft food. Try going back to the soft foods for a while. Also, MAKE SURE YOU ARE CHEWING YOUR FOOD about 25-30 times per bite and take small bites. If I don't do that, there is a severe pain that about knocks me on my bottom end. It is horrible and more painful that you could imagine. Hope that helps. If not, and seriously if it is that bad, contact your doctor immediately. Let them know of the pain so they can evaluate your issue. You trusted him for surgery, let him care for you after too. :)
   — ToriRaye

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