BCBS FED- Want Tummy Tuck but no 'health issues' related to it.. thoughts?

I tried to post this last week, but it never came up. I have BCBS FED. I need a tummy tuck but do not have rashes, backaches or anything else. has anyone been approved just for having hanging skin 1 yr post op?    — Connie M. (posted on January 14, 2003)

January 14, 2003
I don't know of any insurance that will pay for a tummy tuck. Try asking for a panni or reconstructive surgery. And whether we like it or not, sometimes you have to bribe your dr into saying that it's medically necessary. Dr. of all people know how to lie. Make him do it.
   — Luscious1 X.

January 14, 2003
I was approved the first time for a "lipectomy".
   — Phiddy B.

January 14, 2003
connie i also have bc/bs fed. all my drs have advised me to take pictures of my body (as discreet as u possibly can so there wont be a developing problem if u dont have a polaroid or digital camera) showing my hanging apron, any rashes i might have, which i do, my 'down to the knees' breasts & any rashes under them, all from the front view & the side views. dont forget to take pics of the hanging rolls of skin on ur back & butt if u have that too. when the ps submits the surgery request, attach the pictures to it. it is very important that the dr submits for a panniculectomy or abdomenoplasty NOT a tummy tuck. either of these terms make the surgery a medical necessity where a 'tummy tuck' is cosmetic & bc will NOT approve it.
   — sheryl titone

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