does anyone have upper back pain 9 months post op?

For the past 2 months or so I've been having pain/pressure at the top of my back, about 6 inches down from the nape of my neck. I have no idea what could be causing it. I don't know if it's exercise related (I do arm exercises in the pool), changes to my body after a 100-pound loss, or the weight of my droopy breasts. Any ideas, please?    — vitoria (posted on December 2, 2005)

December 2, 2005
First, congratulations on your weight loss. I have only lost half of that in 4 months. Since the surgery I too have noticed aches and pains that before I just put off as being overweight. Now though I sleep and exercise and I feel a 100% better. When I gained weight I had the same feeling and it was due to my chest being so heavy since that was where I gained weight first. I am not a doctor but it could be your body adjusting to the weight loss and "repositioning" of your breasts. I found in the JCPenney catalog a couple of types of support/exercise bras that are very supportive and take the weight from the shoulder area to the chest area itself. If you see your doctor and have it documented in your medical history and it continues to cause you back problems you may be able to get a breast revision due to the health issues that it causes; same with skin hanging from your stomach.
   — 1968 Loser

December 2, 2005
I too have had the upper middle of the back pain. My PCP Dr and Chiropractor both relate it to muscular adjustments that my body was making. I am one year post op and have been at goal for 4 months. The pain started around the third month and lasted for about 5-6 months. It is better now and I really only experience it when I find myself standing for long periods of time and /or lifting heavy objects with repetidity. It will get better. Keep up the good work. I would lay off the upper body exercises though as that seemed to aggrivate mine. Mike
   — megahaus

December 3, 2005
Vitoria, My chiropractor told me he has patients that have had WLS and he knows I'm looking into it as well. So check with the chiropractor and an ortho as well. Checking with both can't hurt. My chiro referred me to an ortho that he often refers patients to when medication is needed. Your body had changed and therefore you have relieved your body of the duty of carrying a lot of weight. Your shoulders may be hurting from the droopy breasts and that's why I'm suggesting the ortho -- chiro can't do nothing about those. You may have to have breast reduction should the pain keep up. And too it could be exercise related. You're now able to exercise muscles that haven't been exercised before. Just have the doctors check you out and go from there. Congratulations
   — the7thdean

December 3, 2005
Hi , I am 9 months out as of Dec. 2nd. with 30 lbs. left to go . I have had back pain for a while in the middle to lower part of my back . They say it is from the weight lose. Your body needs to adjust to a certain weight and once it does it should go away in time. Lori R. PA.
   — mycrazycat

December 5, 2005
I have back pain, too. I have been told that it is because your weight is pulling differently and also your loose skin. congratulations on your weight loss!
   — Novashannon

December 7, 2005
Hi there, great success!! I have lost 160 total over 2 years post op. And maintaining, gaining some with pregnancy. I am an LMP, it is extremely likely that your skeleton is simply adjusting to this dramatic change thatyou went though in such a short time! Is the pain in your thoracic vertabre? about bra line or so? That reacts alot to breast changes. I had mild back pain with every drop off of pounds, my weight always seemed to dump off in clumps, nothing for 2 weeks, then all of a sudden down 8 lbs! lol Anyhoo, if you are in a grat deal of pain, see a doc and get it checked. May I suggest, go get a massage! And get those muscles and fascia surrounding loosened up and taught how to relax their guard again.
   — Jenny_B

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